Recent content by photobiker

  1. P

    simply electronics legit?

    the products are cheap enough and buying from them is easy i bought a 1Ds mk111 from them a year ago and it arrived very quickly and all ok however it failed and had to be sent back (to hong kong i imagine) it took weeks to get a replacement and the phone lines never worked not good when you...
  2. P

    Felt really sorry for the bride/groom yesterday.

    i spent many a year as a pro muso and we never took bookings for weddings as so many get canceled or ruined usually at very short notice
  3. P

    fake wedding photos

    i would say that the websites aren't trying to sell to togs so our opinion is not valid for me its about total control of your work and if that means using models etc then so be it restaurants have pics of food that never looks like the stuff on your plate ( Mac D's!!!) car manufacturers...
  4. P

    Pageant of Power - Sunday - Bikes, cars, boats and tanks *a few more added*

    the Honda GP bike is a modern replica using a CBR250 engine still sounds awesome though bike #16 is a journo i do a lot of work with i was invited to take of my GP bikes wish i'd gone now as that hump bridge looked fun
  5. P

    anyone noticed this on fleabay
  6. P

    2 week old 5D Mark II has dust and hair in viewfinder :-(

    switch the camera off before you do anything the static charge seems to be the main problem certainly on full frame sensors i try not to change lenses as much as possible by having 3 bodies and keeping the standard stuff fitted to save changes in the field
  7. P

    What was your FILM to DIGITAL transition story!

    for me it was a case of waiting until digital exceeded the quality and size of trannies once Canon reached that point with the 1Ds i simply switched over in a day one day i was spending a fortune on processing the next i was spending even more on bodies, PC's, memory cards back ups, etc
  8. P

    2 week old 5D Mark II has dust and hair in viewfinder :-(

    its easy enough to clean just pop the screen out and wipe it mine have had crud on them just about since day one it doesnt affect anything only dust on the sensor will be a problem to the final image
  9. P

    Sigma 1.4* Teleconverter Problems

    sigmas fall apart I've been saying it for years but no one believes me i got sick of taking them apart to tighten self tapping screws
  10. P

    FAO All Motorsport Photographers

    Thats right just being a team snapper isnt enough last year you had to have a letter or two from editor/s of a publication saying they were using your work i imagine its the same or harder this season there wont be any shortage of togs on the other side of the fence offering pics to "your" team
  11. P

    Do I need Backdrops and Lighting?

    just use the best glass you can lay your hands on the interesting shots from a shoot like that will be all about depth of field
  12. P

    CANON EF 600mm f/4L IS

    yes on all counts the 600mm is a beaut but a beast too while the 300mm f2.8 is delight to work with mega fast and super sharp
  13. P

    raw v Jpeg

    i look on a RAW file as i used to the negative and as such treat it with kid gloves i will always have it to go back to at any time should a client or publication want that pic i can produce the image to their specs and requirements without risking the image in any way a RAW image produces a...
  14. P

    Canon 70-200mm L (non is) Going Cheap - Is It Ok For Weddings?

    yeah deffo 2.8 the bokeh on this lens has to be sampled to be believed ideal for weddings especially when teamed with a 24-70 f2.8 the perfect set up for the bulk of my work
  15. P

    raw v Jpeg

    RAW all the time no contest