Recent content by photoroo

  1. P

    Dorset Lightning

    The exif has not been stripped. This image has been made up from 4 exposures all with different settings. Each exposure was about 60 secs long? Too long and created noise? I have lightened a little in PP. Cheers
  2. P

    Dorset Lightning

    Can anyone help mw out with the noise situation? And some C+C would be appreciated. Cheers
  3. P

    First go at twilight photography

    My opinion is: No. 1 is the best, just enough light on the path to give a line in. I like the corn in the foreground too. I think the foreground is to small in No.3 But something I'm glad to see is someone having the same problem as me with noise when shooting low light landscapes. I'm...
  4. P

    Dorset Lightning

    Yes shot on raw but can't get rid of it in aperture with out making the whole image really soft.
  5. P

    Dorset Lightning

    Hi all, Been far too long since i have been on here and also since i have had the camera out. Life get in the way too much. This is my first attempt at a lightning storm shot. I'm pleased with the fact that i have captured some lighting and it might make an ok shot but far far far to...
  6. P

    weekly The Photoroo 52's thread. Week 2 added.

    Thanks kate for the feed back. :)
  7. P

    weekly The Photoroo 52's thread. Week 2 added.

    Here is my week 2 guys. I was struggling to think of a good shot until the snow arrived. Now I have a couple of shots of the rare and seasonal lesser spotted snow spaniel. Which do you prefer? IMG_2895 by Roowhite, on Flickr IMG_2894 by Roowhite, on Flickr
  8. P

    One of the most stupid things I have done. Help!

    google had the answer. Reset the PRAM. Phew. Mental note to ones self. Don't be a nob in future!
  9. P

    One of the most stupid things I have done. Help!

    Got the card out. Turned it on its side and managed to hook it out. One prob though. Mac now has no sound. it is saying no output devise found. Ideas?
  10. P

    One of the most stupid things I have done. Help!

    Nick - :razz: I have tried to hook it back out but am worried about doing damage to the drive.
  11. P

    One of the most stupid things I have done. Help!

    Well, I have just sat down to edit my project 52 pics from today and have just done the most stupid thing in my life. I took my sd card out of my camera and went to insert it into the reader on the side of my iMac. But oh no, I am not capable of achieving such simple tasks. I have just...
  12. P

    weekly The Photoroo 52's thread. Week 2 added.

    Well, I have just sat down to edit my project 52 pics from today and have just done the most stupid thing in my life. I took my sd card out of my camera and went to insert it into the reader on the side of my iMac. But oh no, I am not capable of achieving such simple tasks. I have just...
  13. P

    weekly Erce - 52 in 2013 Time and Juxtaposition added

    This good Kate. I rate it as one of the best taken shots.
  14. P

    Your Top 3 Landscapes Of The Year

    Gary, is no.1 the peir at Tiegnmouth? I've only been shooting since Aug so in the same boat. Great shots. The sky in 3 has great colours.