Recent content by pingu

  1. P

    has togging ever spoilt an experience for you?

    I am going back to south lakes wild animal park soon for the first time since i took up photography. if you like wild animals its a great place to visit. however I am very tempted to leave my camera behind despite tehre being oportunity for some great shots. I enjoy interacting with the...
  2. P

    Which 70-200 lens for around the £400 mark

    that lens was the first bit of L glass I ever bought. its still my favourite lens.
  3. P

    The incident last night is entirely f***ing unacceptable.

    he was lucky it was the modern forces... had he been a roman for example then the punishment for falling asleep when on duty was death - normally by being beaten to death by blows to the body so you cant just black out. when you join the forces other people have to be able to rely on you...
  4. P

    Le Mans 24hr - advice?

    my main advice for any sort of event like this is: "there is no such thing as too much beer" too little beer yes.. but too much.. no. no such thing.
  5. P

    Motorcycle airbags?.

  6. P

    Motorcycle airbags?.

    running away from a crash in the future:
  7. P

    Motorcycle airbags?.

    anyone else old enough to remeber the TRRL "kneecappers" thing? IMO and sadly IME the BEST thing to do when involved in a bike crash is to get as far away from the bike as you can. well actually the BEST thing is not to crash in the first place obviously. not too sure I would like an...
  8. P

    BMW the perfectly balanced driving machine

    yeah looks more like driver error than anything else. rear wheel drive is fun to play with in the wet with TC turned off. ok 4wd will give you more grip but I would say that its more a case of the driver of the BM being a gimp rather than a problem with the car. I still giggled though...
  9. P

    The legality regarding...

    there is a guy on another forum (non photography) I use (urban 75) who seems to specialise in this sort of thing. will PM you the details
  10. P

    Do you shoot in Jpeg or RAW

    i only shoot in raw as it makes me look like i know what i am doing when people ask me what I shoot in :)
  11. P

    Dogs and the Canon 70-200mm F4L

    most of my best dog\wolf shots have been with this lens. i do sometimes wish I had saved a bit longer nad gone for the 2.8 but I didnt and tbh I am very happy with the lens. nice shots btw
  12. P

    Damn you Penelope Pitstop (Wolf pictures)

    I like 3. that image is just a slight crop of the original with no other processing but I am going to do "something" with that one as its got a lot of potential IMO. maybe a B&W with a cold tone afterwards or some selective colouring -dunno yet some basic editing (bit of levels, dodgeing the...
  13. P

    Damn you Penelope Pitstop (Wolf pictures)

    ok here is one of the weird sky ones the jpg conversion hasnt helped but can you see what I am on about? it looks like its been painted, along with the trees) - picture has just been resized and jpeged no other processing
  14. P

    Dog on the Beach

    husky or possibly a mlamute. more likely a husly though cos of the eyes
  15. P

    Long shot - Anyone know any copyright specialist lawyers in Glasgow?

    depending on the contract it could easily be the case. i think the wording in the contract I disputed was something like perpetual and irrevocable right to IP and or copyright from any inventions, discoveries or other material produced or found during the period the contrct is in force...