Recent content by Pokey

  1. Pokey

    High speed photography

    Thanks for the reply and the link I have got some triggers and I have just received the camera axe 5 which is a great piece of kit and my garage is a mess practicing with it.
  2. Pokey

    High speed photography

    Is there anywhere on this forum that talks about high speed photography if so can you steer me in the right direction many thanks
  3. Pokey

    Red Panda

    Thanks for the comment Howler. i suppose i could have used the flash but i did not want to frighten the chap:woot:
  4. Pokey

    Red Panda

    Thanks for the comment:thumbs: I thought i would add this one as well its a spider monkey that decided to play hide and seek with me so it was just a case of being a bit patient with him:lol: comments please.
  5. Pokey

    Red Panda

    Went to Blackpool Zoo today and this fella was looking right at me so i could not resist not a brilliant pic but he did catch me unaware:bonk: comments please. Red Panda
  6. Pokey

    Canon flashgun advice, please.

    I am not up on all the specs but i know the 580 acts as a master and the 530 can be fired as slave units. maybe someone else can tell you some more features hope thats a help:woot:
  7. Pokey

    Macro Sweets 1st attempt

    Thanks for the comment. its not me that would have ate them it was the other arf that was after eating them she love Jelly ToTs:lol: and i promise not to stay away its just i have been busy with work.
  8. Pokey

    Macro Sweets 1st attempt

    :thumbs:Not been on for a while but I got my 60mm from Kerso:). I have not had a go at Macro before so this is totaly new to me been trying to get some pics of bugs but so far have not worked out:bang:. So i took these and thought i would post them to get your views to see if i am on the right...
  9. Pokey

    My 1st attempt at Motorsport - Grass Track Banger racing.

    Good set of shots looks nice and muddy:thumbs:
  10. Pokey

    MotoX First attempt

    Thanks for the comments i know what you mean about the fencing but i could not go any closer as you had to stay behind the second rope for safety. And for you Mark Woohall you mention about "an impressive amount of mud" how about this one 1. sorry its a bit dark. And for you AndyWhy...
  11. Pokey

    MotoX First attempt

    I went to a local event at the weekend and these are some of what I took this is my first attempt at this so any comments please. it was raining which made the conditions very MUDDY:'( 1. 2. 3. 4. comments please:thumbs:
  12. Pokey

    Local Football

    Thanks freester and Kipax for the comments greatly appreciated:thumbs:. so iso 400 for faster shutter speed keep with centre spot. i am using lens 100-400 f4.5-5.6 L is so cannot get down to f4 and once again thanks for the comments will take all on board:thumbs: And Kipax get rid of my...
  13. Pokey

    Local Football

    Thanks for the comment:) i was using the A1 servo (i call it tracking) and was switching between 9 point and centre point to see which was best at focusing is that any help:woot:
  14. Pokey

    I need 2nd Flashgun.. Which 1?

    I have a canon 430EX if you are intersted it goes well with the 580EX as a slave. I have never used it still in the box only opened it to check it:thumbs:
  15. Pokey

    Bristol City vs. Wolves - 14/4/2009

    Great shots:thumbs: well captured:woot: just wish i could get shots like that. Note to myself more practice needed:thumbs: