Recent content by Punt1971

  1. Punt1971

    Sumatran Tiger

  2. Punt1971

    Tyne Pedestrian and Cycle Tunnels

    1. Ascent 2. Descent 3. Endless 4. Northbound 5. Step 63 6. Velocity Thanks for looking :)
  3. Punt1971


    Romanesco :)
  4. Punt1971

    Yet more from my Canadian Rockies trip...

    1. Road to Athabasca Glacier 2. Moraine Lake Canoes 3. Devils Thumb over Lake Agnes Thanks for looking :)
  5. Punt1971

    A few more from my Canadian Rockies trip...

    #1 doesn't really work for me either! I liked the place and wanted to show something but the conditions and light weren't the best; rain, featuress grey sky and a dark forest with no tripod :(
  6. Punt1971

    A few more from my Canadian Rockies trip...

    1. Bridal Veil Falls 2. Sansons Peak 3. Dead Trees on Moraine Lake 4. Mount Inglismaldie
  7. Punt1971

    A few from my Canadian Rockies trip...

    1. Banff & Cascade Mountain 2. Bow River, East of Lake Louise 3. Freeze Gopher! 4. Hilda Peak, Alberta Highway 93 Thanks for looking ;)
  8. Punt1971

    A Couple from Derwent Resevoir

    Comments and constructive crit. most welcome. 1. Vanishing Point 2. Control Tower ** I know i've spelled reservoir wrong!! :) **
  9. Punt1971

    New Laptop CS4

    Sorry! I didn't realise he was going to carry that around with him too! ;)
  10. Punt1971

    New Laptop CS4

    Those specs are more than ample for CS4. You may find the low resolution of the screen a little limiting though.
  11. Punt1971

    Robin & Wagtail...

    1. Robin 2. Grey Wagtail Not the sharpest. C&C welcome. .
  12. Punt1971

    Monument blues...

    I like that! Great colours :thumbs: And I can see the lion too :D
  13. Punt1971

    Fly Agaric Amanita muscaria

    Nice :thumbs: I've been looking for these for a couple of years too. There used to hundreds around here when I was a kid but can't find one anywhere these days, nevermind a good specimen. I'll keep hunting!
  14. Punt1971

    A Couple from Northumberland

    A couple from my trip up the Northumberland Coast last week... 1. Stone Piles at Dunstanburgh 2. Over the Boulders to Dunstanburgh Castle
  15. Punt1971

    Moving to Canada from the UK permanently ??

    The wife and I (plus young daughter) have moving Canada in our five year plan.