Recent content by quackerz

  1. quackerz

    Open university

    The open college art is good, a quite a few forum members have done it. You can get a degree at the end.
  2. quackerz

    iMac Waking From Sleep.

    A few people have this problem, you could use this simple app to help -
  3. quackerz

    10 stop noise problem

    Light leaking through the eyepiece ?
  4. quackerz

    7D original software for a Mac

    You can fool the canon update to install the software from scratch. You just need to modify the package contents, delete update.plist. Full details
  5. quackerz

    Should I ditch McAffe?

    Another vote for Microsoft Security Essentials. Works very well with my Windows 7 machine and is free.
  6. quackerz

    Canon 7D Wireless Remote Shutter System

    I use Pixel Pro Digital & Film Camera 100M Wireless Shutter Remote Control Release . Works very well with my 7d.
  7. quackerz

    10 photographers you should ignore.

    I think you should read this thread or read the article properly. :)
  8. quackerz

    Anyone else use 500px?

    I've also signed up
  9. quackerz


    Invite sent. No idea how long they take now days.
  10. quackerz


    Invite sent.
  11. quackerz


    They're controlling then amount of people signing up, it was open for a bit, but closed again, you just have to be lucky on getting in :). Here's a post from Engineering Director of Google+ Hey Google+ folks! As I bet you've noticed, we are facing pretty incredible demand for Google+...
  12. quackerz


    Weird, I also sent an invite to my test account, which I received. I don't know why it's not coming through. Maybe someone else could invite.
  13. quackerz

    Monkey steals camera to snap himself

    This made me laugh - A macaque monkey in Indonesia took a camera from a wildlife photographer before snapping himself in a variety of poses.
  14. quackerz


    resent invite, realised what I was doing wrong. Hopefully people should get invite now.