Recent content by rachaelarnott

  1. rachaelarnott


    I've just written an article on copyright. It would be the actual image taken from the shoot that would be under copyright not the set up or idea. I tend to think that some people don't quite understand copyright...
  2. rachaelarnott

    The shameless bokeh thread

    A couple of photos using fairy lights to create a bokeh effect.
  3. rachaelarnott

    DOF - how to acheive?

    I'd suggest trying to get the f number as low as possible and then try a higher one. As you're taking photos for a friend I'm sure they won't mind it taking a little extra time to try them out. I'm currently practicing my depth of field techniques and loving it.
  4. rachaelarnott

    Google +

    I prefer Google+ to FaceBook and Twitter. It's just more fun to use, looks fresher, displays images better and the circles are a great idea. For example, I have a circle for photographers so if I just want them to see something I post I can do that! I'm hearing that it's now becoming a popular...
  5. rachaelarnott

    First attempt at smoke pics!

    Totally love the first one - very vibrant :D I've tried these a couple of times and they came out well... even if my house stank of incense after. I keep meaning to have ago at doing water droplets. I found a great tutorial somewhere on You Tube - I'll have to try and find it again.
  6. rachaelarnott


    I've written a small blog post which shows how I used curves to lighten an image and boost the contrast if that helps.
  7. rachaelarnott

    Hi from a very rainy Scotland.

    ... It's raining where I am. Thanks for the welcome :)
  8. rachaelarnott

    Tutorial Shooting your first Wedding ???

    Great advice DD. Kenny and I shot our first wedding recently with me taking the role of second shooter. As the wedding was within the family we were also guests and soon discovered that it's very difficult to be a guest and a photographer at a wedding - after all we were in work mode. We...
  9. rachaelarnott

    My Scott Kelby Competition Entry 2011

    Thanks Dave. It'd be cool if it gets through to the next stage but I'm just so thrilled to have won this stage :) Our walk was arranged for late afternoon and we ended up with mist along with the rain which was pretty cool. We were hoping for some nice low light shots... maybe next year.
  10. rachaelarnott

    My Scott Kelby Competition Entry 2011

    Hi Dave, I really like the lighting on the rails and the floor in your image. I had a look at the other entries and I'm not too sure about the winning choice to be honest (no disrespect to the photographer). I found out that I had the winning photo for my walk in Stirling, which...
  11. rachaelarnott

    Hi from a very rainy Scotland.

    Hi everyone, I'm Rachael from Stirlingshire and am a lifestyle and wedding photographer for Smokey Red which I (very) recently set up with my partner Kenny. We've both been photographers for years and decided to take the plunge and set up our own business :) I also love travel and...