Recent content by ramyad

  1. ramyad

    From my trip to Istanbul

    Thanks for comments, much appreciated. I've only recently delved in to the HDR side and have to admit that I do like it. I'll try not be heavy handed with it as I want to use it for the dynamic range and not for the HDR look. I'm still learning. I'm currently at Dubai airport, after my latest...
  2. ramyad

    From my trip to Istanbul

    Sorry, only these and what is on Flickr. Thanks Gramps! There are more on my flickr site, link is at the bottom of the original post.
  3. ramyad

    From my trip to Istanbul

    I went for a photography trip earlier this year. Really enjoyed Istanbul, there are so many sites on offer and getting around is pretty easy with their tram system. I'm off to Dubai tomorrow, another photography trip :-) Here are some from the Istanbul trip. 1. From Sapphire Tower...
  4. ramyad

    your favourite transport shot of 2012

    The old Tram in Istanbul - Taken during my photography trip to Istanbul. istiklal-avenue-istanbul-1 by ramyad, on Flickr
  5. ramyad

    Do all Canon lenses fit my camera?

    The main difference between the EF and EF-S is the image circle. The EF-S is designed for the crop sensor size and so has a smaller image circle. As stated by others, the focal lengths are the same so the "crop factor" still applies on both the EF and EF-S.
  6. ramyad

    Approached to use one of my pics

    If you don't want to licence or sell it to them then just go ahead and give them permission. If you have a website then request a credit to you (your name) and a link to your website. Think of it as marketing. They may ask for the hi-res version, if they do then they may want to print it in a...
  7. ramyad

    Uploading photos
  8. ramyad

    Which remote wireless shutter release for 5DII?

    Found what I needed for the Yongnuo RF-602 on e-bay. Thanks Richard (HoppyUK) for mentioning it, I've ordered the 3 x receiver kit and at £46 can't grumble at that price :)
  9. ramyad

    Which remote wireless shutter release for 5DII?

    I've researched a little more on these and they look like the set for me. Thanks for pointing me to them. Do you know where to get the cable to fire the camera please? I can't find any on Amazon with the right remote connector cable. Thanks.
  10. ramyad

    Which remote wireless shutter release for 5DII?

    Thanks. I'll take a look into this one. I won't have flash on either camera, it will be in a church. Me on the ground floor, camera in hand and the second camera in the balcony. Yep, looking at the Hahnel documentation, it does not mention remote trigger of a second camera from the first...
  11. ramyad

    Which remote wireless shutter release for 5DII?

    Hi, I'm going to be doing a wedding next year where I can either stand at the back or in the balcony. I'd like to put one of my 5D's in the balcony and me on the ground, firing the balcony camera the same time as I take a shot. What would you recommend? I don't want Pocket Wizards, too much...
  12. ramyad

    WORKFLOW STEPS - What do you do?

    LR doesn't use a colour profile per se, on RAW files, although in the Develop module it will provide the widest gamut using ProPhoto RGB. This is because RAW files do not contain a colour profile. So, to answer your question, only when you export do you need to choose a profile.
  13. ramyad

    Advice needed

    I agree with Alistair, learn the art of photography with your P&S. It will make a big difference to your photography.
  14. ramyad

    Manual help

    I shoot full manual and my method is as follows: 1) Set the aperture I want - basically for depth of field; do I want creative blur in the background or do I need to get a lot of the scene in focus 2) Set the shutter speed I need - 1/focal length as a minimum speed. Around 1/125 for people...
  15. ramyad

    Moniter Question

    Is your laptop screen calibrated, if not then invest in a calibration system. I use the eye-one display 2.