Recent content by rewrites

  1. R

    The 50mm 1.8 natural light thread.

    Stunning shot! Easily one of the best in this thread, I think. Simple light, textures and tone and an almost ethereal atmosphere to it. Superb!!
  2. R

    Nikon 50mm af-s 1.4g or 50mm af-s 1.8?

    Thanks for the replies - really useful. The lens does seem to be ideal for what I like to shoot, so was hoping the write up about barrel distortion was a little excessive. I will take a look at the 35mm version, too. Thanks again.
  3. R

    Nikon 50mm af-s 1.4g or 50mm af-s 1.8?

    Hi I had convinced myself to buy the 50mm f1.4g due to all the good press received - I'm fed-up with the soft shots I'm getting with my 18-55mm kit lens. However, having read some reviews about it (particularly Ken Rockwell's), I'm concerned that the barrel distortion will be noticeable...
  4. R

    'Tennis Girl' photographer dies

    Phogtographer Martin Elliott, who captured that iconic Athena image of a young, lithe tennis player hitching her skirt to reveal a pert behind, has died at his home in Cornwall. Love it or hate it, it's an iconic image which has certainly endured. Sad news indeed. Link here has more info...
  5. R

    Fruit - C & C PLEASE

    Really good attempts at what must be a difficult shot to achieve. i like the symmetry in both: number 1 has the two large bubbles at the top of the shot framing the fruit and countered by the bubbles along the bottom edge. Number two has the seeds echoed by the trailing edge bubbles. My...
  6. R

    A Rose Between 2 Thorns

    Great expression on the lady's face and the two guys look like they're practising for a gurning contest which adds to the overall fun feeling of the image. There's some lovely texture in the faces - particularly the two guys. Add this to the patterns on the clothing, I wonder whether a mono...
  7. R


    Numbers 1 and 3 for me. I think you've bypassed the need to be technically excellent with these shots (although still good), but have captured something far more captivating instead. Wish i could explain better, but for me these types of shots stand out from the otherwise technically sound...
  8. R

    suspended from work....need advice

    Excellent advice above. Several friends are senior managers at various places and deal in these issues. They would definitely advise you to speak to your Union rep - if you can trust them! Union reps are loacally based and not always unbiased and impartial as they should be. Get legal advise...
  9. R

    What's in a URL?

    I worked in web design - and SEO (search engine optimisation) for a long time. Good advice above, but I would second buying all of them as you can always redirect from any of the URLs to your site. Biggest consideration is to keep it simple: long URLs are a nightmare as people simply forget...
  10. R

    Biggest furrows I've ever seen!

    thanks for your comments Alex, much appreciated. Your right about the sky, it was such a bright day, but hardly a cloud in the sky so not much texture to grab. I think i overdid the curves, so will try and add a little more light without making the sky worse than it already is. Thanks...
  11. R

    Biggest furrows I've ever seen!

    Not sure if this should go into Transport, but that seemed full of jets, sports bikes and the like - my tractor seemed a bit tame :D Out walking the coast path between Flushing and Mylor in Cornwall when I stumbled upon this. Harsh light, but otherwise a great day.
  12. R

    18-55mm Lens - What is its best use, advantages and limitations?

    It's not a bad little lens for the money. I get some fairly nice landscapes with it (which reminds me to get busy and upload some :D) and is a general use bit of kit. It's ideal to start learning your craft before you progress to other lenses.
  13. R

    Filters for wide angle Nikon lens

    Thanks for the replies. Will definitely try hiring another lens then as we are blessed with great light here in the South west, but unless filtered tends to create too much contrast - polariser is a must have on bright days. Thanks for the link - be interesting to see how much the filter kit...
  14. R

    lanyon quiot

    Hi Ben. Great part of the country - I'm in Falmouth, so not far away. Advice regarding ND grads is spot on. Landscapes around here are fantastic and the skies even more so. I found a polarising filter transformed imy images bringing real depth to skies and adding detail and colour to sea and...
  15. R

    Filters for wide angle Nikon lens

    Couldn't find anything via search, so thought I'd throw it open. I'm looking to hire a Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8G ED AF-S wide angle lens to see what difference 'quality glass' makes to my landscape shots. However, from what I've read, there's no way of attaching filters - either front or rear. I'm...