Recent content by roddy mac

  1. R

    Pampas Grass

    :thumbs: its just it looked that wee bit too over exposed and detail was lost in the grass bits, as i said never spent long on it tho
  2. R

    Pampas Grass

    hi.. it looks a wee bit over exposed and bit of detailed in the pampas grass lost hope you dont me playing about with your pic just a couple of alteration's, only spent about a minute on it tho :( if you do mind i'll say sorry now
  3. R

    weekly steve's 52 for 2012 more vice added

    i'd say it its more just needing the roof line straightened in ps then a poss tad o a crop ???
  4. R

    weekly steve's 52 for 2012 more vice added

    ok i know its a bit further down your post but noticed your photo and someone saying to crop it a bit more to get bottom line out ... i just had to have a wee go, hope you dont mind, thought i'd take the verticle lines out as well