Recent content by safamurtaza

  1. safamurtaza

    Which camera is better Nikon D600 or Nikon D7100

    800 is excellent But it's expensive xD :D
  2. safamurtaza

    Which camera is better Nikon D600 or Nikon D7100

    Well I didn't did that now it's gone xD :D
  3. safamurtaza

    Which camera is better Nikon D600 or Nikon D7100

    Well my d7100 will be coming till saturday
  4. safamurtaza

    White balance

    Thanks ya ^_^
  5. safamurtaza

    White balance

    Well I shoot in RAW.... And software I use is view2nx
  6. safamurtaza

    Which camera is better Nikon D600 or Nikon D7100

    Well when I checked my camera it was even having oil spots. So I changed it and I got Nikon D7100 with 18-200mm lens.
  7. safamurtaza

    Which camera is better Nikon D600 or Nikon D7100

    So you think that I should not change my camera?
  8. safamurtaza

    White balance

    I've got Nikon D600
  9. safamurtaza

    Which camera is better Nikon D600 or Nikon D7100

    My uncle he's a photographer sometimes I take tips from him. While I keep on experimenting or looking for online tutorials. It's like I'm a student if year 11 and right now I'm trying to concentrate on my studies so I'm ain't giving much time to photography.
  10. safamurtaza

    Which camera is better Nikon D600 or Nikon D7100

    I've not even use it much
  11. safamurtaza

    Which camera is better Nikon D600 or Nikon D7100

    I know it's. I know I should've started photography from d90 or any camera like that.
  12. safamurtaza

    White balance

    I'm a beginner in photography and I don't know how correct white balance
  13. safamurtaza

    Which camera is better Nikon D600 or Nikon D7100

    check this out there aren't any oil spots!!!
  14. safamurtaza

    Which camera is better Nikon D600 or Nikon D7100

    It's like I'm a beginner in photography and right now I've only got one lens i.e 24-85mm VR kit lens
  15. safamurtaza

    Which camera is better Nikon D600 or Nikon D7100

    No I've not seen any spots I guess on it but as it's gone flop so it'll get de value....