Recent content by Sanjazzy

  1. S

    Wild Long Tail Tit

    Really nice
  2. S

    Cloud to ground lightning strike

    This is EPIC
  3. S


    Love these :D
  4. S

    Black Tailed Skimmer

    Lovely , especially photo 2 havnt seen anything like that
  5. S

    The mighty Eagle.

    :O woa looks likes a movie action scene , amazing job
  6. S

    Capture one vs lightroom

    Thanks I think ill look into buying it outright rather than yearly , thank you for the link to the capture obe forum
  7. S

    2 bees

    Best I maged to get, doesnt seem to quite have the detail , this was on xt2 using 18-55mm with the 16mm extension tube
  8. S

    2 bees

    Wow these are amazing what lens are you using ? I tried with some macro extension tubes and got mixed results
  9. S

    Capture one vs lightroom

    Thank you so much, yeah I might bite the bullet too im rocking and xt2 so shouldnt have any support issues for the time being and even then onlu see myself upgrading to xt4 which should be suppprted
  10. S

    Capture one vs lightroom

    Thats what I was hoping to do, did you come across any issues regarding support so far?
  11. S

    Capture one vs lightroom

    Thank you, yeah ive like C1 , but its the proce thats putting me off , i was hoping to buy it iut right and be happy with it for atleast 3 years but support and bug foxes is a worry
  12. S

    monitors yet again

    Have you pulled the plug? Let me know your thoughts , ive currently got 2 x 1440 monitors they are both designed for gaming with high framerates , thought of changing one to a 4k for photo editing ... the pictures just seem to look that little bit better on the macbook retina screen - main...