Recent content by ScottB

  1. ScottB

    Am definitely thinking that I may possibly for sure contemplate a positively potential change of gear

    So today I went out with my 'typewriter' shutter and founds a couple of Tawny Owls to photo. The first owl was asleep when I arrived, but woke when I took my first photo or two, opened it's eyes fully on the 4th photo and flew off sharpish afterwards. I guess this raises 2 issues for me...
  2. ScottB

    Am definitely thinking that I may possibly for sure contemplate a positively potential change of gear

    Thanks bud, I must admit I didn't realise it was such a small difference in weight, guess I should do better research rather than going by a 'feeling' that it would be significantly lighter lol :D
  3. ScottB

    Am definitely thinking that I may possibly for sure contemplate a positively potential change of gear

    Thanks everyone for the kind responses and great input from you all, I really do appreciate it :) :)
  4. ScottB

    Am definitely thinking that I may possibly for sure contemplate a positively potential change of gear

    Thanks Linda, I appreciate the reply. I think it's the weight that's getting to theses old bones, but I try to use my 500mm PF for walking around and my 200-500mm for when I know I'm going to be more static; like in a hide. One of the other 'desirables' for me is IBIS, getting that lower...
  5. ScottB

    Am definitely thinking that I may possibly for sure contemplate a positively potential change of gear

    Thanks Toni, that's one of my worries, is this just a case of FOMO (fear of missing out) tempting me to switch from what is a perfectly good wildlife camera set up that has served me really well, or is the weight just getting too much for this old(er) body to carry around :)
  6. ScottB

    Am definitely thinking that I may possibly for sure contemplate a positively potential change of gear

    Thanks Toby, it's certainly that 500mm PF that has stopped me from changing in the past, and will most probably stop me from changing any time in the near future, it's just my internal dialogue tempting me to switch and try something new, whilst the other side of my brain tells me that what I...
  7. ScottB

    Am definitely thinking that I may possibly for sure contemplate a positively potential change of gear

    Thanks Gramps, nice to get a reality check every now and then .... and I genuinely mean that :)
  8. ScottB

    Am definitely thinking that I may possibly for sure contemplate a positively potential change of gear

    Thanks Graham, I really appreciate you taking the time to give such a comprehensive answer. I too, have been waiting for news from Nikon, as I actually love my lenses (especially the 500mm PF). Every time I think of switching systems it's the loss of those lenses that stop me. I am also really...
  9. ScottB

    Am definitely thinking that I may possibly for sure contemplate a positively potential change of gear

    Yeah ... it's that confusing!! After watching countless YouTube videos and reviews and reading/re-reading forum discussions I am no nearer to making a decision. My dilema is (I think) there's just too much choice out there. It's like trying to buy a plain ham salad sandwich, which bread...
  10. ScottB

    I am being pulled towards wildlife esp birds

    Hi, hope you're finding all the replies useful, even if they all get a little overwhelming at times. So having said that, I'm about to jump in with another one :) I started with the Sigma 150-600 contemporary, and it was a great lens for me, but it was heavy, and as I approached my 60's it...
  11. Stoat - 23 03 23.jpg

    Stoat - 23 03 23.jpg

    I took this photo at WWT Martin Mere, and was honoured to have it selected as the group photo on the North West Wildlife Photography site on Facebook.
  12. Barn Owl  - 10 03 23.jpg

    Barn Owl - 10 03 23.jpg

    Beautiful barn owl at my local LWT reserve.
  13. Barn Owl - 07 03 23.jpg

    Barn Owl - 07 03 23.jpg

    Beautiful barn owl at my local LWT reserve.
  14. ScottB

    D500 v Nikon Z

    Thank you for all your comments, fi=or the timebeing I think I'm sticking with the D500 and saving for the Z9 .... which may be years !!!!