Recent content by SmokingYoDa

  1. SmokingYoDa

    Mine & a friends 1st attempt at a portfolio shoot

    Yep, I think so to, he was actually posing for another photographer (showing me the ropes) at the time and I just snag'd that photo as he tunrned around, I also photoshoped a stray hand out....maybe that don't help. :s & thanks syeuk2002 when I have a moment I will definitely be giving that a...
  2. SmokingYoDa

    Just a fly on a Daisy

    Sorry about it being such a time between my posts here, work & all that :( Thanks oldgit for the tip, looking at it after reading this i can see they were not as clear as they could of here's tweaked version :) I also added a lil redish hint in there
  3. SmokingYoDa

    Mine & a friends 1st attempt at a portfolio shoot

    I took a friend out to have a go at a protfolio shoot, my first time & his, so portfolio virgins! The First photo in this series came out a bit blury/bad focus, but I sorta like it that way, adds to the distance he shows in the photo. The second was a total crop...hence the poor quality...
  4. SmokingYoDa

    Just a fly on a Daisy

    Thanks for your encouraging comments & welcome :)
  5. SmokingYoDa

    Just a fly on a Daisy

    Pic I took on my first camera (Olympus C760)....not an amazing photo, but nice colour contrast I think, and was one of the first closeup/macro shots I ever took....which gave me the bug...pun intended lol
  6. SmokingYoDa

    Water and feather's

  7. SmokingYoDa

    Prickley Chestnut....

    dangley, prickly nuts....nice & sharp too....nice work ;)
  8. SmokingYoDa


    #2 then closely followed by #1....or maybe the other way round lol nice shots :)
  9. SmokingYoDa

    Hello all!

    This site was pointed out to me by my other half Purple (better half is debatable!:cuckoo:) I started getting into digital photography a couple of years ago when i borrowed a fuji 1.3mp so we went out and bought a Olympus C760 Ultra zoom for about £200 (couple yrs ago) , and...