Recent content by Spark

  1. Spark

    more fallow rutting

    Great action set Mark. Really like number 2, partly for the positions the 2 stags have gotten into but also for the deer in the background watching whats going on.
  2. Spark

    New Zealand's South Island

    *Jealous* Number 3 is definitely the pick of the bunch here. But 4 really conveys a sense of sheer scale.
  3. Spark

    Cold day sunset

    Thats a decent photo you have there Siberdib. The image is well composed and you have clearly utilised the rule of thirds on both the tower and position of the sunset. My only criticism is that the tower appears to be leaning to the left slightly.
  4. Spark

    Fountains Abbey at Christmas

  5. Spark

    A few around Bristol

    Cheers Dan :thumbs:
  6. Spark

    A few around Bristol

    I agree Morgie, Millennium square does look pretty good at night with all the colours and reflections. Thanks Duffman :) For the second photo I was quite far back from the planetarium to achieve the angle I wanted. And as you can see the reflections are a bit irregular. As for the third...
  7. Spark

    A few around Bristol

    Heres my three best shots I got from my jaunt around Bristol on Saturday. Quite pleased with the first one of the squirrel in Castle park and the reflections in the mirrored Planetarium. Can't quite decide if I like the third one, the idea is there but I'm not sure if it works.
  8. Spark

    Beautiful Church Window HDR

    Haha Trust me to go around it the awkward way! Good question swag72 I was wondering that myself actually. And thanks for the answer. :)
  9. Spark

    Beautiful Church Window HDR

    Cracking job there Neil. Loads of detail in the image to keep the interest along with the bright colours of the stain glass window. Just the right amount of HDR to still keep it looking realistic. Though no fault of your own the only distracting factor is the grey panel in the lower left corner.
  10. Spark

    Couple from me, not posted in a while

    Really like the first one with the bridge sweeping across the landscape and gradually disappearing into the distance. The moody looking sky contrasts well with the yellowy green foreground too.
  11. Spark

    Drinking viper.

    Wow I really like that. :thumbs: Is this behaviour unusual or quite common? Never seen it before.
  12. Spark

    Lonely candle

    Fair enough, no offence taken. :cool: This image came around by accident really, as at the time I was experimenting with a laser pen and reflection/refraction. I needed the longer exposure time to give me enough time to do what I wanted. Then during the shoot I just tried lighting the candle...
  13. Spark

    Lonely candle

    Yeah sure. In fact I got that bit slightly wrong. :bonk:What I actually done was duplicate the layer once it had been converted to monochrome, then set the Layer blend to overlay. And finally adjusted the opacity to suit. Thanks everyone.
  14. Spark

    Lonely candle

    Actually taken with a long exposure of 13 seconds, which thinking about it now seems rediculously long. But I'm pretty pleased with the result after converting to black and white, overlaying an inverted copy to increase the contrast and removed the large dust specks from the candle. Taken...
  15. Spark

    Abstract Laser Triptych....

    The second one is a great abstract photo. Even though its the sames photo in all 3 shots, the change in colour keeps the interest. The rest of your work with the lasers on flickr is also very good. Is the 'smudge' just a result of the stray light being caught due to the long exposure? Lasers...