Recent content by St207

  1. S

    First camera and latest camera

    1st = Praktica MTL3 (Closely followed by a used LTL3 & a new BC1) Latest = OM Systems OM-5
  2. S

    The GAS confessional - all who suffer are welcome. :)

    After buying several photography related items in the last week or so, I also ended up buying a used Olympus m.zuiko 9-18mm lens which was advertised at such a good price it almost seemed rude not to get it :) I hadn't even set out to buy one, but it found its way into my online basket, and...
  3. S

    "Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

    I hope you really enjoy the GX9 when it comes, I know I‘ve very much enjoyed using mine since getting it last year. I found I preferred using the 20mm 1.7 II more than the 12-32mm zoom, but the 12-32mm is a very handy way of carrying about a standard zoom.
  4. S

    So where do you buy your gear?

    Recently I've used Park Cameras for new purchases as they are local(ish) to me, and always helpful. Also HDEW in the past (also excellent). For Used, Wex have been superb, and I've also happily used Park, Mpb and even eBay has been okay.
  5. S

    M4/3 macro lens recommendations please

    I have the Olympus 30mm f3.5 macro. It's great for flowers, but not so good for bugs and insects as you need to get quite close. The 60mm is better for those.