Recent content by stevie69

  1. S

    Male Hen Harrier

    Lovely shot Kaz. Also for some of you that are not aware, Hen Harriers are the most persecuted bird of prey in this country. up until last summer there were 2 known breeding pairs, then one well known female was found shot dead on a grouse more, so bringing the breeding pairs in this country...
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    Tree sparrow, a very cooperative one for a change

    Lovely Picture, normally I see these in the middle of a hedgerow
  3. S

    Kingfisher (female)

    Stunning !!
  4. S

    Nutties from the Chase meeting

    Pic 2 is a corker !
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    Marsh Tit or is it a Willow?

    Defintaly Marsh tit. Small black bib and the black crown does not drop to the bottom of the eye.
  6. S


    Great shots and very nice to see so much dedication. Well done !!. If only my back would allow me to do the same.
  7. S

    Mr and Mrs at the pool

    Lovely !!
  8. S

    My last Kingfisher of the season.

    I actually think the perch adds to the picture, the wood has a lovely texture which adds to the whole feel of the picture.
  9. S

    My favorite gannet shot

    He is definately on a mission !!
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    Really like No 4
  11. S

    Skomer puffins

    Very good close up Andy !!
  12. S

    Skomer puffins

    Great shot, also one of the most informative shots to show how the Puffin gets all those sandeels in his beak. Well done !!
  13. S

    Dartford Warbler juvenile

    That shot is an absolute corker !
  14. S

    How do they control those feet

    Haha Big foot, all you need is the Hendersons and you would have a movie