Recent content by StHelensPhoto

  1. StHelensPhoto

    Salford Quays

    Isnt no. 3 the Media city?
  2. StHelensPhoto

    Wedding togs. A question for you

    I, personally am and will only use Nikon, currently a D90 with M80 battery grip but will be getting a full frame one when finances allow.
  3. StHelensPhoto

    Long exposure from car

    Anybody remember the 'Streethawk' TV series? This reminds me of that :)
  4. StHelensPhoto


    Are there no photolabs nearer to your location you could go to? Maybe mere green or knowle photographic? Failing these yes the epson range are good as suggested above. But why not go bigger and get a 24" printer so you could do your own canvas prints too. Something like a 7890?
  5. StHelensPhoto

    Aston Martin DBS

    I agree with the comments about cropping, I would have made it more of a pillar box shape (more wide than long) so the focus was more on the care and less dead space.
  6. StHelensPhoto

    Custom made frames

    I could do that, but you're far away from me :(
  7. StHelensPhoto

    Thinking about getting a wide format printer.

    The question you have to ask yourself is would the printer make you your money back above what you're investing. If it's not being used regularly then the nozzles can get clogged and then need to be cleaned and this uses ink. The cartridges aren't the cheapest. If you have a demand then go for...
  8. StHelensPhoto

    Jay Fitness Photo Shoot

    I wouldnt call it fitness photoshoot, more male boudoir photography, but thats just me. Good photos all the same.
  9. StHelensPhoto

    dodgy print

    It could be either the autocorrect function on the software that they're using or the red-eye correction. If they know their machines, they should be able to turn this off and it should print without the imperfections.
  10. StHelensPhoto

    What is this on my image please?

    If you cant see it without the lens on then the problem must be at the back of the lens or the front glass of the lens. If you've already had a look at the front, then the problem is most definitely at the back and you will need to clean it with caution of doing it yourself.
  11. StHelensPhoto

    What is this on my image please?

    The only way to know is take some photos of other things as test shots
  12. StHelensPhoto

    Nikon prime lens f1.8 35mm or 50mm

    I've got the 50mm as I got it cheap off amazon, good little lens
  13. StHelensPhoto

    Photo24 June 2013 ... Here we go again...COMPLETED!!

    When I clicked this I thought, "Oh great some quick snaps with a description attached" but the photos are very engaging and work very well independently as well as together. Brilliant series.
  14. StHelensPhoto

    Am i being jealous

    Wherever you enjoy something you will always get haters. Here is my 2p worth. Get into a habit of entering competitions, get people to look at and critique your photos. Anybody can take a photo, but only a few can take a good photo and even fewer take an amazing photo. Facebook is a way to show...