Recent content by tattywelshie

  1. tattywelshie

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    Hi, thanks for that, ah, well I'm a wedding photographer so need the AF to be top notch, looks like I'll have to invest in a couple of lenses :)
  2. tattywelshie

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    Hey, got a 35mm 1.4L and a 24-70 2.8L :)
  3. tattywelshie

    The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

    Hi folks! I'm thinking about making the leap from Canon over to the A73. Now, my question is, what's Sony like when using the Sigma converter so I can keep my Canon lenses? Any decrease in image quality or autofocus?
  4. tattywelshie

    X-pro 2 v A7III

    Yeah that lag kills me with the EVF, im a very instinctive photographer, so always want my camera's to work straight away, maybe it's my technique that's off lol Thanks for the wise words, maybe i'll wait for the X-T3, see what that's like and then make a decision. :)
  5. tattywelshie

    X-pro 2 v A7III

    Ah cheers for that, I would add that 99% of the stuff on my website was when I was shooting Canon only (I got bored and fancied a change!) I have thought about the XT-2 yeah, I think maybe that's what it is, using the Xpro2, I dunno, it just doesn't feel right, if that makes sense?
  6. tattywelshie

    X-pro 2 v A7III

    So, as per thread title, I'm looking for some advice re the X-pro2 against the Sony A7III. I already have an x-pro2 and am really struggling with it. I just don't like using it! I'm a (documentary - yeah, 'that' word!) wedding photographer, so need my cameras to be quick and responsive, I just...
  7. tattywelshie

    MAC or PC?

    Wow, thanks for this, I suspected a can of worms, and that's what I got!!! I'm still none the wiser, what does seem obvious though is that off the shelf PC's should be avoided, PC's are easier to upgrade than MAC's but MAC's are more stable and last longer, and I don't need to spend ages trying...
  8. tattywelshie

    MAC or PC?

    This is the thing, minimum is £2k for a 27 inch imac, I just don't know if they are value for money anymore! You can get refurbed ones from Apple which I've bought in the past, even these though are deadly expensive.
  9. tattywelshie

    MAC or PC?

    You know me...always one to instigate a debate! Yeah see this is what I'm thinking, I have a MacBook and iPhone etc and do like the fact that they all work together. And yeah, my current imac is 7 years old (the screen is starting to go strange on it, hence the upgrade question) As you say...
  10. tattywelshie

    MAC or PC?

    Ah interesting. This is the thing, my experience of PC's is that they die all the time and are generally clunky! I do use a PC quite regularly so am used to them and Windows so that's not too much of an issue. I defo think I'd get used to using Windows again, but do I want to get into the whole...
  11. tattywelshie

    MAC or PC?

    I'm thinking about doing the moving to Nikon from Canon/Fuji, but instead, moving away from my trusty iMAC's. I have solely used mac's for about 15 years now for my photography and am seriously considering changing over to a good PC with a super duper monitor. My...
  12. tattywelshie

    What's going on?

    ISO 400, shutter speed is aaround 1/250 and its normally at the 70mm end of the zoom
  13. tattywelshie

    What's going on?

    It's actually on the computer itself, when downloaded.
  14. tattywelshie

    What's going on?

    So...I don't know if this is something I've been doing wrong, but I've found recently that when I'm using my Canon 24-70mm L lens on my 5D3 that if I'm focusing on a subject that is say, 50 meters away, the image doesn't appear sharp, when zoomed in to 100% it looks sorta fuzzy. I'm not using...
  15. tattywelshie

    Low cost architecture lens

    We are going for 3 days, cant wait!!! Good shout re the validation thing, have been caught out in numerous cities with invalid tickets so don't want to add Berlin to that list lol Will defo check out those links, they look great! I really want to check out some historical sites, have a massive...