Recent content by Tazmaniandevil

  1. Tazmaniandevil

    Warning: Not for the squemish.. Post surgery photo.

    That bone graft scar is a helluva size. How much bone did they need? My Mrs had an op on her wrist last year, and the scar on her hip from the bone graft is less than 1" long.
  2. Tazmaniandevil

    Windows - Multiple file search and copy

    Just create a batch file with all the file names in it, using the move command. You can use wildcard symbols to use partial filenames.
  3. Tazmaniandevil

    Monkeying Around

    Roasting on an open fire.......
  4. Tazmaniandevil

    will slr lenses fit dslr cameras?

    FD lenses need an adapter which has a correction lens built in to allow for the different focal point. They're OK but the extra glass decreases the image quality and AF won't work etc. If the lenses are cheap enough...... I bought a 50mm FD lens for about £4 on fleabay, and paid a tenner for the...
  5. Tazmaniandevil

    win canon cameras

    Lovely! Just entered. Thanks for the link.
  6. Tazmaniandevil


    I've always wanted a photo of a bee in flight, but the b u ggers are so hard to pin down. This one was captured using the kit lens and brutally cropped. Note to self... must buy macro lens.
  7. Tazmaniandevil

    Show Us Your Prints!

    That my friend, is awesome IMO.
  8. Tazmaniandevil

    Bored at home, some simple ideas?

    Absolutely true. It is the worst illness in the world. Man Flu - The Facts... 1. Man-Flu is more painful than childbirth. This is an irrefutable scientific fact*. *(Based on a survey of over 100,000 men.) 2. Man-Flu is not 'just a cold'. It is a condition so severe that the germs from...
  9. Tazmaniandevil

    Those bathroom conversion ads in the national press

    20-odd years ago I sub-contracted to Moben. Back then their kitchens were the best quality on the market, with a price tag to match. We, as installers, had extremely tight quality control standards to adhere to, and part of our payment was withheld until the customer was fully satisfied with...
  10. Tazmaniandevil

    Cleaning Camera

    Possibly on the mirror? I had a black spec on mine which drove me mental, cos I couldn't see the ruddy thing. I used a swab for cleaning the sensor on the mirror and hey presto - no more spec.
  11. Tazmaniandevil

    The Unofficial Monkey Thread??

    Gosh, I forgot about this thread. I had some fun with Monkey and ScoobyDoo at Christmas. This was taken just after the 'model' got paid I'm in the throes of planning another session. Just need to settle on a theme.
  12. Tazmaniandevil

    blood donors?

    I'm a regular donor, O negative blood. I have given my donation at work and carried on during the day with no issues. As previously said, eat plenty before and after and make sure you take plenty fluids. The type of needle they use was changed recently, so it's even less painful than it was...
  13. Tazmaniandevil

    Just starting out - advice needed

    You have come to the right place flicker. Ask any specific questions you need answers to and folks will soon answer them as well as they can. In terms of help with taking photographs, I can highly recommend the Digital Photography Book by Scot Kelby and Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson...
  14. Tazmaniandevil

    The Corran Ferry

    Eeeek! That looks rough! I've been lucky on the Corran ferry that the water has always been really calm. (I hate boats and have balance issues due to inner ear problems) I once got caught coming back with the tide coming in which made it rock a bit, and that was bad enough.
  15. Tazmaniandevil

    If found please return..!!!!!

    Have you had a look down the back of the sofa? It's amazing what turns up down there.