Recent content by u1bd2005

  1. u1bd2005

    Street Photography, Durham

    has to be number 1 for me, there's always so many interesting characters in the market place. was kinda hoping to spot someone I knew, but not on this occasion.
  2. u1bd2005

    Shutter Speed experimenting by the river.

    Sorry about the lack of photos, I used the file attachment feature, but they didn't attach. they've been added now. 1. Tripod, I do have, but as I walked into town I didn't have it on me for today's shots. 2. I only have a bridge camera atm, the lowest I can set it is about f/3.1, but yeah I...
  3. u1bd2005

    Shutter Speed experimenting by the river.

    Ok, so I've never been very good at controlling my shutter speeds, nearly always resulting in blurred shots whenever I tried to capture motion. Bought a cheap book, did some reading, wrote down a few things I thought were important, and went out for a walk into town to experiment. I think the...
  4. u1bd2005

    Butterfly ID Please?

    thanks, just googled it and defo seems like a peacock butterfly, thank you :) Urbexing is always interesting, but first time I've came across this, was really nice to see.
  5. u1bd2005

    Butterfly ID Please?

    While out urbexing I came across this butterfly, it was deep within an abandoned building, away from any windows etc... was a very wet day, but was surprised to see it there in the pitch black, only glimpsed it because of my torch, thought it was a mark on the wall until I looked closer. Any...
  6. u1bd2005

    Few photos from down by the riverside (ID?)

    Few shots I took while down by the riverside in town, just as practice photographing birds since they don't scare easy, duck and seagulls?? think they're seagulls, I have no idea to be honest, never looked at one this close haha. Edit: Ok, been looking at other pics of seegulls and now i dont...
  7. u1bd2005

    Anything "wrong" with bridge cameras compared to dlsr?

    Totally agree, I was with a compact for ages, moved to bridge recently and loving the step up, I actually bought the LZ20 the OP mentioned in his first post. For the first step up from a compact the difference is amazing, I have used my compact a few times since and it just sucks compared to...
  8. u1bd2005

    Real people pictures.......

    in addition to the gumtree suggestion which is probably your best bet, have you thought about street photography? Don't need to get peoples permission and the pictures aren't posed for, just capture people going about their everyday lives.
  9. u1bd2005

    Wasp ID please

    Just done a bit of research, my best guess would be possibly a sand wasp (Bembix oculata) or another member of the Crabronidae family of wasps. Where abouts was it located? What kind of environment?
  10. u1bd2005

    If you could photograph one person...

    either hayley williams or laura robson, my two biggest celeb crushes. hayley williams if it was glamour style/portrait shots, but if it was action shots then laura robson without doubt. both look amazing and hope I get the money and time off work to see them sometime.
  11. u1bd2005

    A Cosplay Convention I covered..

    I love the 3rd pic, and I thought everyone had heard of cosplay? :p very nice pics there, love the costumes
  12. u1bd2005

    Black & white or colour version?

    I'm usually more biased torwards the colour versions, but the B&W version does look really good, so in this instance I'd change my usual bias and I'd go with the B&W version too.
  13. u1bd2005

    Could this affect nude photography?

    next law will be to force companies like currys/pc world to sell compters and laptops from a high up shelf, just to be in line with porn mags in shops :p I can just imagine it now, some creapy guy with a moushtache taking a load of stuff to the counter, 'yeh, i'll have the dyson, 3d sony...
  14. u1bd2005

    Could this affect nude photography?

    Don't even need a proxy to bypass government blocks these days, even with all the high profile torrent site takedowns etc... all you need to do is use the Opera web browser and enable Opera Turbo, many browsers allow you to automatically bypass blocks of all kinds, hence censorship on the...
  15. u1bd2005

    Irina // St. James's Park

    number 4 has to be my favourite, I always seem to like the close up shots most, the smile really stands out and its a really good pose, looking over shoulder with the eyes looking into the camera, so simplistic yet so much impact.