Recent content by Westfield

  1. Westfield

    Foggy sunrise in Richmond Park

    It was taken with the larger of the two Pen Ponds to my back facing South East. King George V plantation is just out of shot to the left with the Pen Ponds carpark behind. There's a cycle path just behind the second tree which runs from the car park through to Ham Gate. Hope that helps. No...
  2. Westfield

    Fieldfare and Goosander

    An odd combination I know but a couple of shots taken over the Christmas break. I'm not totally happy with the pose of the Fieldfare (a bit "neutral") and I think I have some better one's - just not enough time at the moment to go through them all! Fieldfare eating apples by DJH Flickr, on...
  3. Westfield

    Foggy sunrise in Richmond Park

    Yes, right place at the right time. I usually shoot wildlife and much of that is down to being at the right place at the right time - sometimes planned and sometimes not! I'm keen on doing more landscapes so thanks for everyone's encouraging comments.
  4. Westfield

    Foggy sunrise in Richmond Park

    I was lucky to have a lovely foggy morning just before Christmas. I was looking to photograph the sunrise but just as I was set up these geese took off and flew through the frame. Richmond Park Sunrise by DJH Flickr, on Flickr'][/URL] Richmond Park Sunrise by DJH Flickr, on Flickr'][/URL]...
  5. Westfield

    7Dii and wireless shooting

    You could try Miops. It doesn't fully control the camera but works a treat through an iPhone or iPad.
  6. Westfield

    Afraid it's more from Donna Nook

    The first is a very nice portrait with real character and the shallow DoF works well.
  7. Westfield

    One for you Capture One users.

    Hi, sorry for the late reply - you may have solved this for yourself in the meantime. I don't know why you would want to use both applications as they provide virtually the same features; just a different way of doing things. I use Capture One as I found it fitted my workflow better. I...
  8. Westfield

    Wild Mr. & Mrs.

    Very nice. Great perch and background and to have the pair together is the icing on the cake!
  9. Westfield

    Countryfile Calendar 2017

    It sounds as if your experience of entering competitions is similar to mine - in my case it was my mother who suggested it! I agree, you never know - sometimes different people see things in shots that you just don't see yourself.
  10. Westfield

    Countryfile Calendar 2017

    Can I ask which photo’s people think are from a workshop or set up by someone else? I only ask as I’m responsible for the Stag photo selected for December (which is all my own work btw – and not photo-shopped!). To Steve (and others above); all I can say is enter a few shots into competitions...
  11. Westfield

    Wild Badger Cub

    Got to agree with everyone else - love No 1.
  12. Westfield

    Abandoned Hotel

    Love the lighting and composition in 4 and 5. What an interesting location.
  13. Westfield


    You could also try manual exposure by taking a reading off an object of similar shade and colour. I've just been trying my hand at some Terns in flight and the background is constantly changing from blue to white sky to dark trees. A manual exposure means I don't have to worry about a changing...
  14. Westfield

    Capture One Pro Users..... Is it just me?

    I had what I thought was a highly spec’d PC (6 core i7, GTX980, 8MB DDR4 RAM etc) and also ran into some performance issues. C1 was fine until I upgraded to 9 and now it is using huge amounts of RAM when I work on large catalogues and the round trip to Photoshop (Tiff) has become sluggish to...
  15. Westfield

    Blue Throats (Trip to North West Spain pt2)

    Hi Mike, Thanks for the comments. Oddly, I haven't applied a mask in PP but I see what you mean regarding the halo. If I get time tonight, I'll have a play and see how it comes out. Cheers