Recent content by wizardpc

  1. wizardpc

    7d or 70d

    They think it's all over!!!!! ha ha I guess noise depends what you're used to. I find the noise on the 7D Ok as my shots in dingy theatres are rarely crystal clear. What's important to me is being able to focus and capture the shots
  2. wizardpc

    Another 7D or 70D dilemma!

    Hope you got to enjoy your 70D. I do a lot of theatre work in low light and find the 7D works fine for focussing quickly and I particularly like the spot feature - invaluable for me. I shoot almost everything at ISO1600 and, while you expect a degree of noise, Im generally pleased with the...
  3. wizardpc

    7d or 70d

    Bit of an old thread this one. I went from a 400D to a 600D to a 7D. I love the 7D - the controls taken a bit of time to understand as they are rather complex but I do theatre photography and it works perfectly for me. I rarely shoot anything above 1600 ISO but took over 3,000 shots the other...