Recent content by Zanshin999

  1. Zanshin999

    First attempt at Milky Way photography,

    Thanks - 2nd attempt last week on the Isle of Wight.
  2. Zanshin999

    First attempt at Milky Way photography,

    Samyang 16mm, canon dos 7d Mk II, 30 secs iso 6400, f2, Theban-des-corbieres, south of france
  3. Zanshin999

    Instagram - share your user name

    I love Instagram, although getting a bit p***ed off with people who 'like' a photo but their profile shows them 'looking for 'love SEXXX love' etc. Unless I'm that irresistible, in which case, I'm flattered a I get around two a week... PETERSTEELE
  4. Zanshin999

    Free ebooks from Amazon while they last

    Many thanks - nice to get something free for a change!
  5. Zanshin999

    Cotswold Cameras

    Took them about 10 days but they did refund it eventually
  6. Zanshin999

    Cotswold Cameras

    The only issue I had (minor one) was it took about 10 days for them to refund the FedEx invoice for 30 something quid. And the slow email response...
  7. Zanshin999

    Tripod recommendations for astrophograpgy

    Yes, think it was. Just good (or bad) luck, depending on your point of view...
  8. Zanshin999

    Tripod recommendations for astrophograpgy

    Tried tweaking the white balance a bit more on a second shot. Not sure if the object in the middle going from left to right is an aircraft or a meteorite...
  9. Zanshin999

    Tripod recommendations for astrophograpgy

    Anybody want the original file to see if they can tweak it better, I'll send it to you. It was really just a first test of the new lens, and the only cloudless night we have had in ages!
  10. Zanshin999

    Tripod recommendations for astrophograpgy

    Tried a photo of the Milky Way for the first time last night on a not very dark night with lots of light pollution. Didn't get much as I suspected, but then came across this video on Youtube - View: I had some shots where I had "exposed to the right" on my Canon...
  11. Zanshin999

    Tripod recommendations for astrophograpgy

    Many thanks for the advice, I'm take a look.
  12. Zanshin999

    Milky Way over Portland Bill

    Which tripod do you use? I'm looking at replacing my old Velbon.
  13. Zanshin999

    Tripod recommendations for astrophograpgy

    Can anybody recommend a decent budget tripod for Astrophotography? I have an old Velbon VE-3C which ways as much as the moon and doesn't have a quick release head, so looking to replace it.