New York

I'm no expert so can't offer and real feedback... For me though I really like the last one, subject matter & activity within it just appeals to me...
Ahhh, one of my favourite cities in the world! :)

I think they're all nicely caught but I don't quite understand why a few of them have been processed like they have, especially the last one. For me personally turning such busy scenes into black and white really confuses things and makes for an image lacking focus to the point where there's nothing to draw your eye in, I also find the extreme HDR/clarity effect adds to the visual confusion. I think there's enough action on the streets of New York to be able to make interesting photos without needing to resort to extreme processing.

It's all opinion though. :)
Thanks for the feedback guys. Will take it all on board!! Appreciate it !

These remind me of my trips to New York, nice captures and no3 is my fav, love the framing.
New York is quite simply amazing. Every street is like a film lot and as a first time visitor you are constantly thinking "I recognise that"

My only recomendation would be to wear very very comfy shoes. So much to see you won't want to take the subway.

Great pictures.