weekly SimonB - 52 for 2024 - Week 23 - Vegetables

OOOOh those colours!
Superb capture. One of my faves of the 52 so far. It's got that 'album cover' feel about it. Cat deserves a tin of the finest tuna!!
Amazing colours. The blinds definitely add something, and the tree silhouette is great too
OOOOh those colours!

Thanks, it didn't last long!

Wow! Amazing sky.

I was very lucky to capture it.

Superb capture. One of my faves of the 52 so far. It's got that 'album cover' feel about it. Cat deserves a tin of the finest tuna!!

That is high praise thank you! Cat has been praised and rewarded for his hard work!

Beautiful sunrise, well done that cat

Well done indeed! Treats and fuss incoming.

Lovely colours Simon and nicely portrayed.

Thanks very much.

Amazing colours. The blinds definitely add something, and the tree silhouette is great too

Thanks, I tried a couple of angles and thought this was the better one. I liked the tree silhouette too, didn't fully appreciate it until I saw it on the computer.

Gorgeous colours captured there (y)

Thanks very much!
Wow, stunning. We have had some cracking sunrises and sunsets recently.
I couldn't come up with an instant idea for last weeks theme, so I opted for a cat picture!

He has recently taken to hiding in his new igloo (can be a bugger to find at times) so here is our not so hidden cat probably wondering why I'm on my belly shoving a camera in his face!

by Simon Brown
Cat helping again this week :) . Not sure he wants his picture taken though.
I'm a bit late with this one this week, I've been very distracted by work (it always gets in the way!).

I had a delivery of logs at the weekend and set about stacking them in the log store I thought that the grains of the wood make a good match for this week's theme. I decided to use the macro lens and play with various apertures and a tweak in Lightroom gave me this week's picture.

Hope you like it.

by Simon Brown
Does the trick nicely. I must admit to being a little OCD when stacking the logs so it takes me forever :)
Personal and Shadows

A little bit of a catch-up from me, no excuse other than being a bit stumped for ideas for personal. I managed to capture these two previous themes while out on a walk. The bench must be personal to someone as it is dedicated to someone's memory. I suppose it is also personal to the person who parks their bottom on it and takes in the surroundings. The shadows theme took my wife by surprise when I said "STOP!" ha I made her jump but I saw an opportunity to tick the shadows theme so needs must!


Personal Bench
by Simon Brown


Pair of Shadows
by Simon Brown
Nice catch up and two splendid takes on the themes. Poor wives/partners!! Mine "suffered" for my Hidden shot. What another? How many do you need? About 30? But I thought you only had to post one per week!!!
Good catch up, two weeks on 1 walk, think the shadows pic has come out well
Nice catch up and two splendid takes on the themes. Poor wives/partners!! Mine "suffered" for my Hidden shot. What another? How many do you need? About 30? But I thought you only had to post one per week!!!

Thankfully my wife is partaking in this year's 52 as well, so she is happy to help now and then.

Two good catch-up shots


Good catch up, two weeks on 1 walk, think the shadows pic has come out well

A bit jammy really.

Good catch up and both shots perfect for the themes.


Looks like a nice spot to sit and just contemplate / meditate for a while.

Good stuff.

It is quite peaceful there, I will look forward to the ducks, etc returning.
I struggled to think of some ideas for the unkempt theme and went out for a walk to hopefully get some inspiration. Annoyingly it didn't take long to be inspired by a bag of dog poo hanging from a branch. Quite amazing how these bags find their way onto the branches.

Don't understand the logic of it all really, if you're going to dump the bag into the bushes then surely it would be better to not bag it up at all?

Anyway enough old man rambling I thought it made the place look a little unkempt.

by Simon Brown
Yes, it's a very annoying tendency - almost like they are trying to make a point?

Works well for the theme.
Good work getting up to date, three shots in a week isn't easy! Well done for not getting the shadow of the camera in the shadow shot. The unkempt photo looks better on Flickr (as they always do) as the background separation is much more obvious.
Yes, it's a very annoying tendency - almost like they are trying to make a point?

Works well for the theme.

Maybe they are!

Good work getting up to date, three shots in a week isn't easy! Well done for not getting the shadow of the camera in the shadow shot. The unkempt photo looks better on Flickr (as they always do) as the background separation is much more obvious.

Thanks, it is funny how the picture looks different from the PC - Flickr and then TP. Still, I'm pretty much caught up now!
So in honor of Cobras love of gob shots here is my cat Titan with his mouth wide open. It was quite tricky getting the shot I wanted for this week's theme as I did not have permission to wait until my wife was asleep to take a picture!

I am pretty sure that my cats yawn all the time but the moment a camera goes near them then nope...not yawning now.

However, I thought if I could give Titan a treat snack then he may start licking his lips! It was a good test of how quickly I could change the camera settings as I needed a fast shutter speed and high ISO was needed to freeze the action.

With a little bit of tweaking in LR and I think I have the shot I was after, as always I am open to critique and suggestions for improvements.

Gob Shot
by Simon Brown
Well done! That was very patient of you.

What's the doo-dah on his collar? I'm confident my two would get rid of that within minutes.
^^^^ That and that! :)
Ahh the doo dah is a pet tracker, he has a habit of exploring places quite far away. So when he is out for a long time it saves any worry on our part as we can check to see if he is on his way home.

It’s actually quite interesting because it keeps a record of how far he waddles in a day and what his territory looks like.

Technology eh?
Unkempt: Dog poo bags are a nuisance. Tons where I live. Everybody lives in flats here so all the dog owners leave home with poo bags and bottles of water. Apparently you risk being fined if you don't.
Gob Shot: Bang on theme, no crit from me (except maybe chopping the ears off?)
Thats works well - cats - notoriously fickly and unco-operative (at least ours is!)
Brilliant gobshot! Looks like he cooperated quite well for it, I hope he had his treat for modelling!
Unkempt: Dog poo bags are a nuisance. Tons where I live. Everybody lives in flats here so all the dog owners leave home with poo bags and bottles of water. Apparently you risk being fined if you don't.
Gob Shot: Bang on theme, no crit from me (except maybe chopping the ears off?)

Ah yes the ears were already cut off in my excitement of capturing a yawn. So I decided to crop it further to put more focus of his gob. I do agree agree that it would look better with his ears!

Thats works well - cats - notoriously fickly and unco-operative (at least ours is!)

Brilliant gobshot! Looks like he cooperated quite well for it, I hope he had his treat for modelling!

Thanks both! He was rewarded for his hard work.
Nice cat gob, unusual for a cat to cooperate, only crit would be the busy ish background but you would get less cooperation if you tried to move him:)
Unkempt: My sentiments exactly. A pointless thing to do.
Gob shot: Nice one and a very handsome chap.