The new Battersea Powerstation complex - Anyone been?

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I'm heading up to London in a few weeks and thought I'd try and get some shots of the new complex at Battersea and I was wondering if anyone has been and how accommodating security are there. I know it's classed as private property so I won't be using a tripod, but I know from experience that security some times get a bit funny when you get anything out bigger than a point and shoot, so if anyone's been there and had any kind of run ins any tips would be appreciated!
I've been - no issues. Actually cannot remember seeing any security in there whilst we were there. There's been plenty of photographs floating about of it since it opened and I haven't read anyone has had issues.
I‘ve also been without any problems and used a tripod for some of the time I was there. I did see security about but was careful where I set it up and had no issues. It’s an interesting place and I’ll return sometime. Enjoy your visit.
Not really no. Not my sort of place I guess... no idea who they've built it for, but it's not the average person.
I agree, just round the corner is the swimming pool in the sky! The whole area stinks of corruption.
If you are just shooting hand held you should be fine. If you want to use a tripod you will need a permit from PR and Marketing. The security team are quiet hot on commercial photographers working there, I was asked to show my permit 4 or 5 times in about 2 hours.

Not really no. Not my sort of place I guess... no idea who they've built it for, but it's not the average person.
Probably Russian/Chinese money launderers
There are lots of great photo opportunities in and around the area well worth a visit
Lots of good shots to be had there. If you are looking for one of the classic shots of the power station, cross to the north bank of the river using the Chelsea Bridge, turn right and walk under the railway bridge. Immediately after the bridge there is a small entry where you can get close to the river with a clear view of the power station. There are some handy railings you can easily balance you camera on too, if you decide against a tripod.