Only male Blackbirds!

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The past many weeks the male Blackbirds have had some territorial tussling and much beautiful singing. ....

But we have not seen a/any female blackbirds for many, many months :(

Over the past 10 & more years we have had a pair either nesting in our garden or nearby. However, with the absence of the female(s) this year ot seems that will not be happening again, yet?

I wonder if anyone else has noticed a similar change this year?
Hi, actually we have a nest in the garden for the first time and has eggs, although we have had a pair feeding for 3 years but never nested also Blue tits in the box for the 3rd year on the trot.
May be the females don't like the local male(s) behaviour and have left :p

On topic.. I have noticed the males out number the females here recently, the good news is we have a pair of fledglings with the adults in toe :)
We seem to have equal numbers in the Blackbird department but our male House sparrows appears to outnumber the females by quite some margin. That's not just recent sightings either, though I assume the females are all egg sitting just now.
Here in Surrey, there are few female blackbirds to be seen, and lots of males singing, presumably trying to tempt any unattached females.