
  1. ColinB147

    Answered Photo courses thread

    Hi, have I missed something obvious (not unheard of) or is there no forum regarding photo courses recommendations / experience / reviews? Cheers Col
  2. T

    Beginner Has anyone done the “ A Year With My Camera “ Course?

    Hi, Has anyone done the online course? Did you find it useful? Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks, Paul
  3. RichardHS

    Should I take a course or not?

    Hello Everyone, I have just joined the forum and would welcome opinions on improving and developing my photography through education. As an 18 year old back in the 80s I missed out on the opportunity to go into further education because I chose to start work as an articled clerk and train to...
  4. beethebee

    A Level Decisions

    Hey, this is my first thread so I'm not really sure on how to work this whole thing, but I'm looking for advice so here goes nothing. I'm in Year 11, and I'm going through picking courses and such for college. I really like the Media Production (worth 2 A Levels) and Photography (A Level)...