
  1. D

    Lunch time Kestrel

    Went out to one of my favourite spots near me in Cardiff to see if there were any herons about. Alas there weren't but I did spot this one hovering around. Recently got a new camera and just wanted to try it out. Even though they aren't "tack sharp" I am still pretty happy with my photos, it was...
  2. D

    Local Kestrel.

    not the best of shots, but they,ll get better
  3. kestrel2.jpg


    pleasing result for me - Hand Held at 600mm in low light
  4. andythilo

    Wild Lonely Kestrel

    Not the best shot but I was fortunate to see this Kestrel high up hunting on the way back from Burwell Fen. We pulled over in the car and waited. She dropped down and disappeared, but as we moved on, she was sat on a fence post. Only had a few seconds before she flew away and my settings weren't...