medium format

  1. Chungle456

    Strange "Dust" Artefacts Over Multiple Different Negatives

    Hi all I have been having the same "dust" marks problem with the last 3 negatives I developed. What is strange is this problem has repeatedly appeared on the negatives despite the fact I've been using different film, different developer and even fresh stop bath & fixer. It even appears over the...
  2. chris_panas

    A cold

    Just a quick snap of my gf fighting the cold :) Gfx100s + GF110mm f/2.0 at 4.0 | 1/125 sec. | iso 100 | + Godox Ad300 in a medium octa + silver reflector + hot tea with rum Stay warm! A cold by Chris Panas, on Flickr
  3. Chungle456

    Kodark Portra vs Ektar - Medium Format Landscape Photography.

    Sorry if this has been asked a million times before! I'm looking to try my hand at some colour film photography and I'm wondering for anyone who has experience with both which of these film (Portra/ Ektar) you would pick for landscape photography? Apparently Portra is less contrasty and not as...
  4. trypdal

    Kodak Gold 200 in 120 is back

    Kodak's Press Release Based on the 35mm version, I can't wait to try it. I might even buy a couple of Tetenal C41 kits and resurrect my Sous-Vide Stick to process some at home. :banana:
  5. T

    Shutter repair recommendation - epsilon shutter assembly on folding 6x9

    I have a GORGEOUS Ensign 6x9/6x6 camera that is... Quite old. It works, even the shutter timing sounds about right down to 1/25th second (top speed a whopping 1/150th!) and is fitted with a folding 105mm f4.5 lens. Sadly, the 6x6 mask has long since disappeared (unless I'm missing a key...
  6. I

    Pentax 67

    Hi all, I'm new to talk photography (and forums), so bear with me! I'm a photography student, and have been on the search for a Pentax 67; they seem to be very much in demand at the moment, and are mightily expensive! I just wanted to start a thread to see if anyone might know of any places...
  7. SFTPhotography

    More recent Glencoe

    Here's some more with the new 645z. First light _IMG0207 by Stephen Taylor, on Flickr Second light _IMG0220 by Stephen Taylor, on Flickr Why nothing inbetween - well - wind. That tree was moving around a lot so had to time my shots carefully then keep the best ones where the branches didn't...
  8. J

    G.A.S rangefinder or medium format?

    Good day fellow internet people, I was gifted a Nikon FM2 along with two lenses (Nikon 50mm f/1.4 AI and Nikon 35mm f/2 AI-S) for Christmas from my Ex. Have been hooked on photography since. I’m a fan of Fan Ho, Brassaï and Sebastian Salgado. That rich contrast and vivid detail look. Please...
  9. justpix

    FUJI GFX 50 R

    Hi, looks interesting: Many of us, who have fond medium format Fuji memories...
  10. D

    to scan or not to scan

    Hello. I'm an absolute beginner at this. I have a Yashica 124g. I have rolls of 120 film I need to develop. Because I'm just starting out I was going to leave everything to the lab...but then I saw how much it's going to cost. How does everyone else here manage? Would love to know how you...
  11. chris malcolm

    Found a 50 year old medium format transparency of me!

    It was a time in my life when I wasn't taking photographs. I had moved to London to become a computer programmer, and the people I left in charge of my Edinburgh cottage stole my stuff, including my 35mm rangefinder camera. I'd picked it up cheap in a junk shop because the shutter didn't work...
  12. L

    Where to purchase Pentax 67 UK October 2017

    Hello, I'm new to this website and rather new to buying second-hand cameras. I am currently on the search for a Pentax 67. I have tried various sites already such as Ffordes, West Yorkshire Cameras and eBay to name a few. First of all I am a bit sceptical of using eBay as a lot of the Pentax 67...
  13. Kei

    SOC National in Pembrey

    SOC being saab owners club. What with the mamiya RZ67 being my favourite camera, it almost always goes with me to events like these. Funnily enough, it garnered more attention than the cars. These were all shot on Rollei Retro 80S using the 65mm f4 and a yellow filter. Dev was D76 1+1 @ 20...
  14. Carl Hall

    Fuji GA645Zi opinions

    Opinions required please :D I’m contemplating getting a MF camera which is a bit quicker to use when I’m on holiday, as the 500c/m and RB67 etc take a bit too long to use when you’re walking about (there are only so many times my girlfriend can wait for me to compose, meter and focus a shot...