05:27 South Downs

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Had to get up really quite early for this one, woke about the same time I normally go to bed!

First proper sunrise shoot, so any advice is welcome really. That said, I'm relatively pleased with how it turned out.

05:27 South Downs
by Wazzerphuk, on Flickr

I did leave in the tree and sloping hill to lead you into the bigger scene, but you're right in that they're not much of a huge point of interest in themselves.
You've caught some cracking light there, but I feel it needs a bit of foreground to pull it together.
yes this is a land only shot...the sky looks as if it was shot through sunglasses
really the mood here is in the lower area
try a bit of a crop from the top

he says NO!
I think you need to get up earlier! Looks to me as if you've missed your chance but agree that the light is nice. More foreground interest needed.

Great starting point though.


Was actually there over an hour before this shot, but there wasn't a great deal interesting going on.

Did manage to get this one a little (~15 mins) earlier, although it's much of the same really, albeit without any foreground at all.

05:14 South Downs
by Wazzerphuk, on Flickr