05:48am Buttertubs pass


I am not macho
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Early morning, Buttertubs pass between Hawes & Muker.


A very pretty image, and I don't mind the fence running out on the left hand side, as the stream does balance it a little.
The burned sun is a shame, but it doesn't ruin it for me.
but I feel that the fence running off to the left drags the eye away from the bulk of the shot.

I can see how some would think that but I disagree. I think the fence adds strong foreground interest and I like the way the top surfaces of the rails catch the light.

But thanks for your thoughts.

I like the shot but I agree the fence whilst well exposed and adding textures leads the viewers eye away from the sunrise (which to me is the main interest in the shot) hence ends up being a distraction

As a 'leading line' the fence doesn't work in my opinion but I still like the shot so it can't be too much of an issue
Thanks guys,

Thank goodness we all have different opinions or all our photographs would look similar ? :thumbsdown:

I like this a lot, without the stream I think the fence would be a lead out line, which isn't good. The stream balances the composition nicely and actually makes the fence work well. Good work.
Composition could do with some work but love the colour and pin sharp detail. (y)
I agree with the above, the fence is a lead out for me and as such doesn't work imho. Without the fence the composition would work well, however the colour in the sky looks a little over done to me and looks unbalanced with the rest of the scene - has the photo had much work done to the colour and saturation in post?
In terms of the composition - If you'd hopped over the fence/wall you could have had the fence leading into the frame from left to right plus the other side of the fence would have had the sunlight on it.

That said you've captured a lovely tranquil scene with fantastic tones and colours.
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Thanks again for your feedback.

Woodsy asked: " has the photo had much work done to the colour and saturation in post? "

In truth I cannot remember but more than likely !

Lovely scene. I can see what people are saying about the fence but I'd be more than pleased if the image was mine. I might be tempted to clone out the Tarmac to leave just grass on the left hand edge. Thanks for sharing.