-18.8 freezing fog aftermath

Graham Mc
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It was the coldest place in the UK at Helpringham Fen & surrounding area's on Friday night/Sat morning, so i got up early and it was -14 at 7.30am :eek: but took to the icy roads with some excitement !
All shot in Manual for full control and +1 exposure compensation for the snow.
Comments welcome, thanks.






Thanks for looking.
Really nice shots, the 1st one seems to be over exposed bottom right though.
All very nice although i agree with No. 1 it could do with exposure reduction.
Wow! :eek:
5 is amazing :D

The others are great too, with a little edit of #1 (y)
Great shots, 1st one is slightly overexposed though.

Can I ask where these were taken?

All very nice although i agree with No. 1 it could do with exposure reduction.

Wow! :eek:
5 is amazing :D

The others are great too, with a little edit of #1 (y)
thanks :)
Great shots, 1st one is slightly overexposed though.

Can I ask where these were taken?Joe

Yeah sure, 1&2 were taken right on the edge of Asgarby estate south of Sleaford, 3 was at Helpringham, 4 at Threekingham and 5 at Burton Pedwardine, thanks :)

thanks :)

Yeah sure, 1&2 were taken right on the edge of Asgarby estate south of Sleaford, 3 was at Helpringham, 4 at Threekingham and 5 at Burton Pedwardine, thanks :)

Ah just thought I recognised the church scene, I think i'm located quite near too you.
#1 for me. Would have been 3 if you hadn't cut the top of the tree off :)

I couldn't see what people were on about with the exposure in #1. looked fine to me on my Dell IPS monitor. Out of curiosity I dragged the browser window across to my second monitor - a cheap samsung that I never could get looking right.... and it looks over exposed! So I'd say leave it alone.
The last one is my favourite.
I'm not sure what would have been in the BG, but I would have tried for the hedge being a lead in line.

As for the exposure, they most be over exposed as they look fine on my works monitor which usually shows things under exposed.

Now, about this +1 exposure, it could be me, but should you have gone -1?
I thought the snow was tricking the camera to thinking it is brighter than it was and thus you should under expose, although it could be me getting it all wrong!
#1 for me. Would have been 3 if you hadn't cut the top of the tree off :)

I couldn't see what people were on about with the exposure in #1. looked fine to me on my Dell IPS monitor. Out of curiosity I dragged the browser window across to my second monitor - a cheap samsung that I never could get looking right.... and it looks over exposed! So I'd say leave it alone.
Thanks Robert, yeah i know what you mean, i found myself wanting to get closer, the man & dog, the house with gas bottles was a draw in.
18mm is the shortest lens i've got.
Really like no.2 & 5. Excellent set of shots, I felt cold just looking at them.
Thanks Mal (y)
The last one is my favourite.
I'm not sure what would have been in the BG, but I would have tried for the hedge being a lead in line.

As for the exposure, they most be over exposed as they look fine on my works monitor which usually shows things under exposed.

Now, about this +1 exposure, it could be me, but should you have gone -1?
I thought the snow was tricking the camera to thinking it is brighter than it was and thus you should under expose, although it could be me getting it all wrong!

I didn't want half the road along the hedge in #5 but thanks for it being your pick :)
the reason for adding +1 is to keep the snow white, -1 would definately made snow look a horrible tinge of bluey grey.
No clipping in the highlights involved on the histogram, i made sure after everyshot, as per Roberts remark it's more the sun's glare into the remaing fog i think (y)
I really like the house shot,probably because of the man and his dog too. The tree shot is also very attractive.Well done for getting out in -18C. I didn't think the UK would see those kind of temps. again.
Thanks John, yeah times like this are very rare owing to freezing fog, so needs to be explored lol, I worry about petrol costs after ! makes it worthwhile though.
Fantastic shots, sadly I tried the same thing at the weekend we got alot of snow but it was way too misty and dull to get anything decent, maybe I should get up alot earlier next time, lol. But once again excellent pics
I absolutely love the first 3!

Really nice, can't imagine how cold it must of been! Number 2 and 5 are my favourites of the set, always a sucker for a lone tree shot :D

2nd is the shot for me! Kudos to you sir.

Fantastic shots, sadly I tried the same thing at the weekend we got alot of snow but it was way too misty and dull to get anything decent, maybe I should get up alot earlier next time, lol. But once again excellent pics

Thanks guys (y)