2 LED Torches and an old leaf

that is a very beautiful shot, theres something about it reminds me of the lord of the rings, those elven leaves of lorien.

Nicely done.
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Very good (y) I like the use of the torch to provide back lighting :clap: just the kind of thing that I love :clap: The only thing for me that's a little bit of a shame if the coldness of the light on the not back lit sections of the leaf, I guess maybe the torch that you were using was a white LED maybe if you were to modify it with a yellow/orange gel just to warm the lighting up a little (y)

You know Matt I am very impressed with a lot of your comments I have noticed on other peoples images, they are spot on. You are entirely correct, I also thought the curling edges of the leaf were cold, and during processing used the saturatiion tool to try and warm them up. I maybe will try selecting this part of the shot and alter the colour on this part.

Cheers and keep up the very well observed comments.(y)
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Very nice work Steve.
Maybe think about slight sharpen of bright inner leaf.
Thank you for the comments gents.