B&W 3 from Dartmoor

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A couple of Brentor Church and one of Comberstone Tor (I think)







Thanks for looking.
Quite nice conversions there, I particularly like the dramatic skies in the 1st and last, the 'smooth' sky in the 2nd doesn't work so well IMO.

1. Appears to be sloping slightly to the left, otherwise great sky and good detail.
2. As mentioned, would prefer to see a 'normal' sky like the other two - seems to be some noticeable distortion with the church in this one.
3. I like this scene and again, a good conversion - is there something going on with the sky bleeding into the cloud immediately above the tree? :thinking:

Thanks for posting :)
Cracking set here mate.
The second one I'm yearning for the same sky as the other two.
3 great conversions.
First is a clear winner, would look great printed and hung.
I wonder with the third, if you'd got down lower would the tree be more isolated from the BG hills? Would make a much stronger image IMO.
Quite nice conversions there, I particularly like the dramatic skies in the 1st and last, the 'smooth' sky in the 2nd doesn't work so well IMO.

1. Appears to be sloping slightly to the left, otherwise great sky and good detail.
2. As mentioned, would prefer to see a 'normal' sky like the other two - seems to be some noticeable distortion with the church in this one.
3. I like this scene and again, a good conversion - is there something going on with the sky bleeding into the cloud immediately above the tree? :thinking:

Thanks for posting :)

Thanks to the feedback gramps, I couldn't decide if it was sloping in the first kept looking at the horizon on the right, nice to get a 2nd opinion. I have a go at correcting it.
See what you mean about the sky in 3, the full size doesn't look so bad but it is present no you pointed it out. A tad OTT on the conversion, looking at 1 again if you look to the right of the church seems that suffers a bit as well?
I do have a normal sky shot in 2, will have to give it a go and try correcting the distortion as well this time. :)
looking at 1 again if you look to the right of the church seems that suffers a bit as well?
Now you point it out, yes ... but not so noticeable as in #3 :)
Cracking set here mate.
The second one I'm yearning for the same sky as the other two.
3 great conversions.
First is a clear winner, would look great printed and hung.
I wonder with the third, if you'd got down lower would the tree be more isolated from the BG hills? Would make a much stronger image IMO.

Thanks Jake, the idea in #2 was the church rooted on the hilltop set off against the moving sky, it did seem a good idea at the time :) will have to have a go at processing the other version.
Agree with you regards #3, Have to confess it was a quick scouting grab shot during the day with the idea of going back later which didn't happen.

Now you point it out, yes ... but not so noticeable as in #3 :)

Yep just starting to use Silver Efex 2 and a case of a bit to much, I'm going to have to learn to run a more critical eye over my stuff.
Appreciate all the feedback.
All three are nice, as soon as I saw it I thought I would have gone lower for number 3, but hey, hindsight is a wonderful thing. They make me want to visit again, a beautiful part of the UK :)
All three are nice, as soon as I saw it I thought I would have gone lower for number 3, but hey, hindsight is a wonderful thing. They make me want to visit again, a beautiful part of the UK :)

Thanks Ian, I should have on 3. It was my first visit, its a lovely place will be going back.

1 is great. 3 great but turn the contrast up just a bit more

Thanks Steve.

I suspect that the second looks as if it is soft in places because you had a longish sexposure and the wind moved the grasses.

These are quite nice, maybe a bit too much structure here and there - the sky in #1 for example.

What is your workflow in SEP as a matter of interest?

Thanks Toby, the church I 2 looks sharp enough I the large version. It was a very long exposure.

Just started using SEP only done half a dozen images, but what Ive done so far is added a bit of saturation in LR before exporting, haven't used the pre-sets yet.
I normally try each colour filter to see if any help me get to the idea of what im after and at the minute I use mainly control points to add local contrast etc.
Think Im tending to overdo things at the minute.
I going to start opening the images as a smart object in PS so can go back and re-edit them.
Lovely set.
I have to admit I like the second just as it is. It has almost a 3D feel to it.