A contented puddy cat

Thanks for the comments.

He's a feral cat really, my wife rescued him as a kitten when his mother was hit by a car, his teeth are often visible. He does also switch from being mister friendly wanting to be stroked to a nasty little s*d with his claws out in a split second, there does not seem to be any middle ground with him!

Our other cat is far friendlier but she'd gone off through the neighbours gardens yesterday.

Fab! (y)
He's a feral cat really, my wife rescued him as a kitten when his mother was hit by a car, his teeth are often visible. He does also switch from being mister friendly wanting to be stroked to a nasty little s*d with his claws out in a split second, there does not seem to be any middle ground with him!

Our cat was very much like that before we lost her to cancer last year. One moment she'd be purring while you're making a fuss of her, the next she'd jump up and hiss at you, sometime even striking out.

Like women, cats, strange beats never to be understood :LOL:

Nice pic by the way....
