A drop of oil

Cheers Billy and Jamie, not sure yet Jamie about the print, I will need to print it first and check it over I then well may offer it as a 18 x 12 print. Keep up the practice as well its the only way to learn

W0W !
Brill. Love the way the light is reflected at the number.
stunning image.
One of the best images I've seen on here for some time(y) The more I look at it the more I feel that I could just step onto the platform and take a walk down the end to see whats hiding in the mist. Stunning:notworthy:
This is one of those shots that comes along TP once in a while, that really makes you think to yourself, "Wow... I really hope I can achieve a photo like this one day."

This really is the best train shot I have ever seen, and also is one of the BEST shots I have ever seen. The composition is spot on. There is enough interest in the foreground to make you wary about venturing further into the photo, but as you delve in, you notice the perfectly exposed details in the midground - the wheels, and travelling down the extent of the lines you're led outside, where the atmosphere really helps to create the image.
Perfectly balanced composition imo, it's a rare one.

The processing is spot on, too. Beautiful colours, beautiful tones, oh, this shot is superb.

You should be very, very proud.

Can't put it any better than that^^

Its a fantastic shot
As everyone has already said, it's a great shot that is given a lovely atmosphere by the lighting.
Love it.
Brilliant job. I keep having to go back and look at it. One of those pictures that you keep finding more....
