A few infrared shots


TPer Emeritus
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Not had a massive amount of time to post recently but I have just gotten around to actually sorting some processing after getting back from holiday.

A mix of infrared shots from various places, some UK, some Switzerland, any C&C welcome & appreciated as usual :)

Square cropped as I just prefer the aspect ratio but know that's not to everyone's taste.

Cheers for looking (y)

Nice set, I've never taken any infra red but I ought to some day (y)

No1 & 3 are my fav's :)
Excellent work! Valle Crucis lends itself well to IR and the long exposure really helps with the surreal feel. (y)
Very nice set. Number 1 is my favourite. It's a great image anyway but I feel of the four it's the one that stands out as really suiting IR. Very nice images though the others are, I'm not sure that they would be any worse off as straight mono shots (maybe the last one would, not sure). Either way, lovely stuff.
Lovely set Mike, I have never taken any IR but the look always appeals to me. I would say hands down one is my favourite but I also like four for the sheer fact it has a person in it walking his dog and nice leading lines, the tower at the side imo is almost a distraction but thats only my opinion.

Thanks for posting.
I'm really liking IR lately. This from a modified camera or filter?
Cheers for the feedback everyone, much appreciated :)

All of the shots were taken with my converted 500D except the first one which was a ridiculously long exposure with a brick like wedge of IR glass I picked up from eBay :)

Adding a few more below:

Have more shots than I know what to do with after my hols but should have more to add over the next few days too - cheers again to everyone that's commented.
Really love every one but the first sends shivers down my spine , really spooky. Something never had a go at but love to in the future. Keep up the good work - lovely set
Thank you Carol :)

On a side note, I would love to see your results with your Kodak Brownie 127 - will keep an eye out for your posts, would love to get some film stuff done myself - have a pinhole camera there just waiting to be used too - too much to photograph, too little time :)

Hi Moomike I received the black bag today and removed the 35mm colour film I put in it just as an experiment, will get that developed at Boots not expecting anything fantastic, all just fun! I ordered some 127 film just waiting for it to arrive but going to try and develop this myself as ordered the tank and chemical etc today. Looking forward to doing the developing myself for the first time.
Hi Moomike I received the black bag today and removed the 35mm colour film I put in it just as an experiment, will get that developed at Boots not expecting anything fantastic, all just fun! I ordered some 127 film just waiting for it to arrive but going to try and develop this myself as ordered the tank and chemical etc today. Looking forward to doing the developing myself for the first time.

Excellent Carol, I'm still yet to try developing film myself but it's definitely something I'm going to have to look into. Good luck with your film, looking forward to the results.
want an IR camera now....:mad: damn you OP
want an IR camera now....:mad: damn you OP

Haha, cheers mate :)
As it can be quite costly to have a camera converted, I picked up a cheap converted bridge camera from eBay to check it was worth the investment. That way, if it doesn't suit then you can just sell it on. The Hoya R72s give very decent results without the huge price tag - someone had a 77mm one up in the classifieds recently. There's always the slabs of IR glass on eBay too, I used one of them for the abbey shot.
Cracking set of images Mike. Had a dabble with IR with a Hoya filter on my non converted D5100 and D800 with limited success. Mainly due to the hotspots created from my Lenses which clearly aren't suitable for IR. Might have to invest in a converted body :)
Beautiful set. The sort of stuff that is convincing me to convert a camera to IR and have a go.
Cracking set of images Mike. Had a dabble with IR with a Hoya filter on my non converted D5100 and D800 with limited success. Mainly due to the hotspots created from my Lenses which clearly aren't suitable for IR. Might have to invest in a converted body :)

Cheers mate - unfortunately even the converted bodies suffer from the exact same hotspot problems as the filters - you'd have to change your lens - that's why a lot of people I know use a converted bridge camera as it's guaranteed no hotspots & initial investment is low.

Beautiful set. The sort of stuff that is convincing me to convert a camera to IR and have a go.

Cheers mate :)
Cheers mate - unfortunately even the converted bodies suffer from the exact same hotspot problems as the filters - you'd have to change your lens - that's why a lot of people I know use a converted bridge camera as it's guaranteed no hotspots & initial investment is low.

Cheers mate :)
Ahhh. Thanks for the info. Perhaps I shall try and get hold of a cheaper lens to start with and see how they go on either of my bodies with the filter :)
#1 was my initial fave but think the windmill shot has pipped it now, love the detail in the sky and the busy foreground.

Love the overall look of IR and would like to try it myself in the future.

Great set Mike! (y) look forward to seeing some more of your work!