A few Razorbill images

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I visited RSPB Fowlsheugh yesterday hoping to get some Puffin images
The last time I visited here we were practically tripping over Puffins there were so many, but yesterday I only spotted 4 but too far away to photograph.
Instead I took some Razorbill and Guilliemot images
All taken with my Canon 1D3 c/w EF300 f4 + 1.4 extender
The sky was a wee bit overcast making the light less contrasty which was a godsend for shooting these magnificent black and white beauties.

A sign mentioned that there has been a 50% drop in bird numbers at Fowlsheugh in the last 10 years. Kittiewake chicks have been found starved to death in their nests due to a lack of Sand Eels caused by the rise in sea teperatures.
Perhaps theres something to be said about climate change after all.

More images can be seen on my Flickr photostream.

Razorbill 2 by mike.stephen99, on Flickr

Razorbill With Sand Eels by mike.stephen99, on Flickr

Razorbill Feeding Chick by mike.stephen99, on Flickr
these are brilliant ive tried to get these twice now and the blacks never seem to look right and getting eye detail well thats another conumdrum
regards ian
Cheers Folks
I have had the same problem in the past with eye detail and getting the blacks and whites properly exposed.
What I did learn on the day was to wait until an overcast day when the light is less contrasty.
