Auschwitz Museum

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Hello Folks!
Two weeks ago I was on holiday in Poland And I visited Auschwitz Museum. When I finished visiting museum I cried myself. How Nazi Germans could do something like that to the other nations. For me the fought was only one - A cold calculated factory of death - Everything was reused: gold teeth were melted down, and sent back to Berlin, people hair were used for making blankets, shoes and clothes were given for the German poverty, ashes from the crematorium were used as a fertilizer :(. Despite mass murdering by the Nazi Germans - everything was calculated to lower the cost of running the death camp. HINT: In Auschwitz Birkenau I saw few small concrete water tanks - the guide woman said that this was espacially built beacuse the Nazi Insurance Company said so to set up as a fire protection element - HORRIBLE! Anyway - I should say - everyone need to see it - It is this thing were you can see that Poland and all the nations in mainland Europe experienced ..... I cannot even find the proper word :(

Off course - Critics are very welcome, ask if You want also anything You want

First because the limitations I'll show you Auschwitz KL I

On the next post I'll show you KL II - called also Birkenau


Arbeit Macht Frei - Entry Gate
by Tom Stoff, on Flickr


Auschwitz - Entry building
by Tom Stoff, on Flickr


Auschwitz - Building
by Tom Stoff, on Flickr


Auschwitz Barracks
by Tom Stoff, on Flickr


Auschwitz Block 14a
by Tom Stoff, on Flickr


Auschtiz Block 4
by Tom Stoff, on Flickr


Auschwitz - a part of list of prosoners
by Tom Stoff, on Flickr


Auschwitz - part of photographs of prisoners
by Tom Stoff, on Flickr
You did very well all the way with this reportage! I specially dig the treatment in part 1
that gives a certain character to the morbid memory of the location. Great work!
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I think your photos really do justice to this hideous place - must have been very difficult and it's almost difficult to like the photos because of the subject matter but they are very good.

I like your work :)
Great set of images. The processing works well with the subject matter too imho.
Amazing set and i agree the processing really does work well with the images.. .. great work
Some strong images there. Hard to comprehend the thoughts used to justify such calculated actions.
Very good set of images, thanks for sharing. One of those places I'd like to spend a day to see and pay my respects at.
Nice set, really like how you've processed them. It was terrible horror that went on at these death camps, but really to make them into a museum? Personally I think they should have been wiped just like hitlers Berlin bunker. No doubt a lot of strong feelings and emotions about them.
It can be a very hard day. Getting there from Krakow either a planned guided tour or by bus.
Great set! Thank you very much!

It is important that people don't forget what happened here, so it won't happen again...
Thanks Guys a lot.
Personally I think that everyone should (off course if he can afford for it) see - what one person can do to the other person. Places such like Auschwitz - they should exist to remind us, that pure evil is real and it seats even in our neighbours. Days like today - living without a respect to each other - this is s*** which causes only problems.

Once again - very thank you for comments. I'm Polish (off course) and if someone needs a help, or advice while planning to go to Poland - Do not hesitate to ask me :]
Your pictures are strong, the story they tell bring up a strong mixture of emotions. Pictures which tell a story, a terrible story, well done.
Strong set, I think that the processing helps add to the gravity of the subject.
I would be interested to visit, but have reservations, I visited S21 in Phnom Penh, which I would imagine evokes a similar reaction. Its chilling, haunting and confusing that such atrocities can be carried out by 'humans'
I think you've done a very good job of representing these sites photographically. Well done!
Nice set, really like how you've processed them. It was terrible horror that went on at these death camps, but really to make them into a museum? Personally I think they should have been wiped just like hitlers Berlin bunker. No doubt a lot of strong feelings and emotions about them.

I assume you mean that the buildings should be razed and the whole thing forgotten about.
I believe that's what the Germans thought too at the end of the war.
Have you ever visited any of the Nazi death camps?
They razed the camp at Bergen Belsen in Germany due to typhus, but it now has a 'visitors centre' or museum if you like. I was fortunate enough to live a 20 minute drive from Bergen Belsen for 4 years during the 90's so every time we had visiting family, we always took them around the visitors centre. There are just huge unmarked graves there now with a few modern buildings that comprise the visitors centre. I defy anyone to visit that place and not become emotionally charged. I did, every time I visited the place. The scale and methods of killing people and the personal stories are enough to convince me that these places should certainly be maintained and talked about for as long as we can.
Hitlers Bunker was different, the reason that was razed was only a few mad Nazi's died there and it might have become a shrine to other loons.

Edited to add:
Tom, I think you captured the subject very well and the tones are about right to my eyes.
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Biff - this is the point about the IIWW history - we cannot forget how a human can be to the other human - Places like Auschwitz (some says that this is the biggest Nazi Death Camp) or Treblinka or Bergen Belsen or... - the should exist as a "visitors centre" and well maintaned.
Chilling but brilliant images, I for one don't think it should ever be forgotten, like you say, shocking what one human can do to another, and more scary that mankind still kills each other. We can only hope for a time of world peace.
But has it worked, preventing such atrocities......?

Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Bosnia, Rwanda, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Russia, China, US/Guantanamo Bay to name but a few.....hardly seem to have learned any lesson at all.

Very sad indeed.
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But has it worked, preventing such atrocities......?

Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Bosnia, Rwanda, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Russia, China, US/Guantanamo Bay to name but a few.....hardly seem to have learned any lesson at all.

Very sad indeed.
I think It worked - because It never happened something like this - there will be always war on the world - this is in human nature - we are animals overall. But the Nazi Germans - they developed the "art of war" to the limits - they developed so many instruments - to lower the cost of running the war.
As I said before - for example in the death camps - they even cut the hair off - to sell the hair on the market as a product important to produce blankets or strings for violins (OMG) - each dead person after gas chamber before putting into the crematorium was completely searched - to find any - I repeat ANY valuable items such as: gold teeth, clothes, glasses, jewelery (chain, ear rings etc), shoes, trousers, belts etc - even they searched for hidden valuable items stiched into clothes !!!! - then all the jewellery was reworked - ans sent to Berlin - and other stuff was reselled to the market :/ - And thisis one of the examples how Auschwitz extermination worked (I suppose that the same way other death camps worked)
I can't imagine the horror of this terrible place, but I'm always drawn to look at the images because of a family connection.

Beautifully processed and they tell a very moving story. 4, 8 & 13 are the ones which speak to me.

Thank you for sharing