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I've enjoyed a few outings to local Autocross meetings in the past and I thought you might like to see a few shots of mine.:)
I realise that some are a little blurred in places, but thats inevitable when you're on slow speeds because the cars often move therefore recording movement, however I think they have a lot more impact than the more frozen background sharp ones I took...






Wow, cars in motion look cool! especially when they're that sharp!

Just out of interest, how many shots do you need to delete before you get a sharp one?
nicely done, not too blurred at all, I trust you are proud of them
I'm glad you appreciated the low shutter speeds on most of them guys, always something I love to take because it's a challenge.:D I'd say the ratio was roughly one to three/four. But that's a high score IMO because I don't just machine gun the shutter so in reality I get a high percentage of keepers!
Very nice set, the first Corsa pic is a cracker, but the rest aren't far behind. I must try and attend one of the autocross meets around here and see if I can get a pic that approaches the standard of the ones you've posted here :)
Nice shots chap, I've spent many a day getting sunburnt at Causey Park.