Big cats last sat BBC1?

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Preddy sure this was BBC 1..................guys maybe hard to watch for some, but the footage of a snow leopard taking down an ibex whilst in freefall down a cliff......she actually hangs on and rejigs her grip from leg, I think, to throat ............mid some of the most astonishing footage I've ever she isn't killed by the fall is beyond me...add in she's seemingly in control

Words fail.....have a dig it is truly astounding

take care

Preddy sure this was BBC 1..................guys maybe hard to watch for some, but the footage of a snow leopard taking down an ibex whilst in freefall down a cliff......she actually hangs on and rejigs her grip from leg, I think, to throat ............mid some of the most astonishing footage I've ever she isn't killed by the fall is beyond me...add in she's seemingly in control

Words fail.....have a dig it is truly astounding

take care

Will have to search iPlayer ?
Ok found it on iPlayer ....

Watching Episode 1 now, Lions and pride living in the beginning.
I don't know what episode it was Laurence.We had been out chasing Owls was slightly distracted. the whole program was an education but that snow leopard hunt mind blowing .

when you find it you will see ..utterly remarkable. how she can do that as a repeated way of making a crust.the forces at play the dexterity .mind blowing !!
There is also a normal leopard leaping from a huge height onto prey in Planet Earth III. Truly stunning.
There is also a normal leopard leaping from a huge height onto prey in Planet Earth III. Truly stunning.
There was indeed Mike, I found that astonishing............but that snow leopard just made my jaw drop.that's my only reason for sharing .................Planet earth 111 is fabulous isn't it. (y)
There was indeed Mike, I found that astonishing............but that snow leopard just made my jaw drop.that's my only reason for sharing .................Planet earth 111 is fabulous isn't it. (y)
Planet Earth 3 is gobsmackingly amazing I remember watching the snow leopard kill when it first came out and was just sat there in complete awe.
Planet Earth 3 is gobsmackingly amazing I remember watching the snow leopard kill when it first came out and was just sat there in complete awe.
Steve,I think repeat think(.getting old mate memory an all .....what's my name oh yeah :LOL: ) that the "big cats" footage is a different snow leopard hunt to that shown on planet earth.maybe ii?

Been Doing some this sure it's the same footage as on BBC on sat


HOW? just HOW?
A vet once told me cats can survive very high falls. It's to do with the cats terminal velocity and the way they land, apparently blocks of flats are a dodle for them, most they suffer is a broken jaw.
Steve,I think repeat think(.getting old mate memory an all .....what's my name oh yeah :LOL: ) that the "big cats" footage is a different snow leopard hunt to that shown on planet earth.maybe ii?

Been Doing some this sure it's the same footage as on BBC on sat


HOW? just HOW?

That is completely gobsmacking. There was some similar-ish footage on the BBC several years ago but this is different and more astonishing. Not only what the animal did and that it survived, but that someone managed to film it!

Many years ago I read a book by Peter Mathiesen called "The Snow Leopard". It's about an expedition into the mountains to search for the then almost mythological creature, with a buddhist named George Schaller (IIRC) . It is one of the best books I have ever read. The combination of zoology and buddhism makes it an unbeatable read. I can't remember if they ever saw a snow leopard- I suspect not. There is quite a lot more known about them now than there was then. For example a friend of mine spent some time on a research project in Mongolia (IIRC) to help track an animal with a radio collar on. And of course they have been filmed since then. I do wonder if the statement in the soundtrack that they are becoming rarer is actually based on fact, though - they live in such remote places and were so little known until recently.

It is incredible to think that such creatures still exist on this over exploited planet.

Thanks for posting!
That is completely gobsmacking. There was some similar-ish footage on the BBC several years ago but this is different and more astonishing. Not only what the animal did and that it survived, but that someone managed to film it!

Many years ago I read a book by Peter Mathiesen called "The Snow Leopard". It's about an expedition into the mountains to search for the then almost mythological creature, with a buddhist named George Schaller (IIRC) . It is one of the best books I have ever read. The combination of zoology and buddhism makes it an unbeatable read. I can't remember if they ever saw a snow leopard- I suspect not. There is quite a lot more known about them now than there was then. For example a friend of mine spent some time on a research project in Mongolia (IIRC) to help track an animal with a radio collar on. And of course they have been filmed since then. I do wonder if the statement in the soundtrack that they are becoming rarer is actually based on fact, though - they live in such remote places and were so little known until recently.

It is incredible to think that such creatures still exist on this over exploited planet.

Thanks for posting!

Welcome buddy bonkers huh? one word how?? and cheers for the reply..............hmm George Schaller now there's a name that's evocative..............I know of that name Jerry but only from childhood he worked with gorillas and eles if memory serves? (decades later I learn snow leopards too )

So I'd know nuffiin of Bhuddism just that guy was an out there remarkable naturalist !!