Bird id

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Anybody know what this bird is, I`ve come up with serrin but I could be wrong.

CT nailed it. Female Yellowhammer also known as yellow bunting. Thousands of them up here(y)
Not so common here -they're a regular visitor at the Cannock Chase Feeding Station, but not regular enough to guarantee bagging one.
Nice shot, I love these birds at the moment, very bright plumage.
Thank you all for the id, how could I not recognise a yellowhammer, my favorite bird when I was a child. where I live I can atract goldfinches, greenfinches, bluetits, coaltits,and thats about it.
Thank you all for the id, how could I not recognise a yellowhammer, my favorite bird when I was a child.

Probably because that is the female and you would most likely have memories of the much brighter, yellower and generally more striking male sitting on top of a bush singing its heart out for a bit of bread without cheese ... :D

Nice shot though ... (y)

where I live I can atract goldfinches, greenfinches, bluetits, coaltits,and ......

Yeah yeah, no need to brag... :nono:

I can offer sparrows, starlings, robins and greenfinches are considered exotic....

It must be at least 2 weeks since you've posted a kite, have they all gone away ? :LOL:
