Bird ID?

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Taken at a good distance away on gorse that was blowing about a bit with the 70-300 IS lens, we think Yellowhammer....or failing that it's some sort of Pippit?


Mike I don't think it's a Yellowhammer, here is a yellow hammer I took this past weekend....

.. It does however look like some of the shots I have taken in the past of a female reed bunting. That kind of light can make the birds look completely different.

Edit: also it has a dark cap. I believe both male and female YH have some yellowing on their caps :shrug: I could be completely wrong :LOL:
Mike, it is deffo a female Yellowhammer. The yellow on the female is less pronounced than the males and the way the light has caught it has made it look even less yellow. The brown rump is a give away aswell though.

The one posted by Jo is a male in it's spring breeding colours, a lot more vivid as you can see.

Hope this helps.(y)
Yeah I just went ad did some searcing for pics of female Yellow Hammers. I stand corrected. It does look like it :LOL: :boink:

thanks folks, my dad suspected as much, it was just too far away to get a definite ID on it, a pity Ididn't have the 500mm on as I was eventually able to get a good bit closer until a gorse bush stopped me in my tracks.....:eek:

It's ok I only felt a little prick :LOL:
