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as i knew the lake would be frozen over on saturday morning i though i better get there before sun up to ensure a good spot......
how wrong was i, not another person to be seen all morning......
do they know something i don't ?
after four hours sitting in -1degrees i was beginning to think they did as i had seen absolutely nothing....
was just at the point of packing up & moving on when one of these spectacular birds showed up........
i took a couple of shots then it turned round & started to walk towards me, it got so close i had to switch cameras because all i could get in was it's head, when i reached the point where i could no longer get a focus on it & slowly changed my set up, fortunately i carry another body with a shorter lens attached so it was just a case of leaving the tripod mounted set up & hand holding the shorter one.......
it stayed with me for well over an hour so i went a happy snapper.....
hope you like....



straight from the ministry of silly walks


managed to grab a short eared owl catching a vole on my way home...........

hope you like..............took me a long time to thaw out, must be getting soft in my old age........ ;-)
Great shots of the Boomer, and the owl is pretty darned good too! :)
Bittern shot don't come any better than these Paul, & a bonus SEO too, great work :clap::clap:
Thanks for the comments. I'm on a run of good luck at the moment
Superb set, probably the best bitterns I've seen on here
I could just about stand it with ONLY the Bittern and then you throw in the aint

great story as well :clap:

Keith (y)
Those are some of the best bittern shots I've seen mate! Great work!
Brilliant !!!! :clap:

Last one of the Bittern is my fave (y)

As for the brucie bonus shortie, i think it was a well deserved reward for you perservering.

Thanks for sharing this great set.

thank you all so much, i took a boat load of shots while a had the chance & these are among the first lot that i have worked through......
i think it's probably the coldest i have been but all that vanished as soon as this magnificent bird appeared.........
thanks for all the kind words..................

Great set. I see plenty of Bittern's and never managed to get shots that close, it was worth the effort you put in.
great shots Paul(y)

Our local bittern is a bit far to get decent shots of it but still nice to see them:)
again thank you all so much for taking the time out to comment.....
glad you all seem to like them as i was truly made up.......

Superb set of images (y)i like the lot :D so im not going to pick
Thanks for all the comments looking forward to catching up with them again very soon
Cracking set :clap::clap::clap: