broken heart (of a car)

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i got my first dslr last week and i've been seeking out interesting locations and subject matters. i found this in a wood yard i pass most days and went for nosey earlier today, it turned up some interesting shots but this is my favourite.


sony a390 with 18-55mm
1/80 sec.
iso 200
focal length 39mm

all criticism is whole heartedly welcomed.
I'd have added a tad more space at the bottom of the frame & possibly dropped the exposure a tiny bit to make it darker/grittier but it definitely shows potential imo (y)

Congratulations on getting the new camera mate (y)

i realised that after i posted the image, it was a quick pic on the way out as i was in a hurry at the time. if it's still there next time i pass i'll maybe try it again and try to improve the composition. i'm still new to this, but as they say - it's a steep learning curve.

thanks for the constructive citicism dude, it's just what i'm looking for.