BRSCC Oulton Park, 7th October

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Good Evening

Made the trip to Cheshire on Friday night for Saturday's BRSCC meeting at Oulton Park.

I was accredited to shoot for today - covering funnily enough the Formula Ford 1600s.

I didn't fancy a 170 mile drive yesterday morning so we (the better half and I) headed up North Friday night and stayed again in the amusingly named Floatel - yes, it's a floating hotel. Had a 4 poster bed this time around! Net curtains and everything.

Anyway, we got there at about 10.30pm and the heavens OPENED for about 5 hours. Doesn't bode well for the next day's racing but it managed to stay dry, if looking a bit dodgy all day.

There were only 4 races; 2 x FF1600 races, 1 x TVR Challenge race and a 4 hour 'enduro' for the Uniroyal Fun Cup. I didn't stay for the whole of the Fun Cup race, electing to get on the road while it was still light and dry. Besides, my head was absolutely banging. (Old war wound, shrapnel you know).

Sadly this is possibly the last meeting I'll do the 'hot side' for Ian at as the two guys that run it are unable to maintain it and keep it updated to the standard they want to so will archive it at the end of the season, I'm a bit gutted because I was just getting into the swing of things on that side of the fence.

As ever, kit used is 20Ds with Sigma 70-200f2.8 EX DG HSM and 120-300f2.8 EX HSM. Some were shot with a EX 1.4x teleconverter. EXIF details are available by clicking the 1200x800 shots in the gallery, Bill Gates has kindly provided you with the link below. Bless him. The tit.

Here are a few pics.

TVR Sagaris, Lodge Corner

Hi Res here -

Fun Cup Chaos out of Hizzy's

Hi Res here -


Hi Res here -

Fun Cup getting it on out of Lodge

Hi Res here -

Finally my favourite shot of the weekend

There is a gallery with a hi res clickable onnable offable underneath the 800x533 shots, I recommend you click it...HERE!

Lol loving the last one.. Seriously though some great shots :)

I'm pretty happy with most of them, the removal of fences makes it even easier than it already is!

the last one, what can I say? I'm on the phone to Autosport as I type.
The 1200x800 links don't work for some reason, how incredibly frustrating. I might swear now.
Love the TVR shot, don't swear, delicate disposition and hangover here :puke:
re the first pic: you been getting lessons off KG? :)

Nah is a popular angle at Oulton.

This is from my first trip there. in April...

he'll be after lessons from me soon, you wait.

I bumped into him on Saturday actually - nice bloke.
Nice clean shots Dave especially of the red Bettle.

The Sagaris is sersiously beefed up.