Clifton (Bristol) in the snow

LongLensPhotography's all folks!
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I had a rather hectic day yesterday and just about finished editing. My best 3 of the day were perhaps these ones.


2x 85mm panorama or "I hate using primes for landscapes". Perhaps I should have waited another 10min but I was freezing out there.


3x 24mm panorma - looking up. That was a really difficult one due to converging verticals. After lots of transformations in PS, this is the result, still huge and fairly sharp. Does it work, or should I stick to no1 (and redo it?)?


I was not 100% sure about this one, but still took it. Any views would be welcome.

Thank you for all feedback.
i absolutely love 3, its my favourite out of the lot.

The other two do it for me aswel, but i think 3 is a great shot.
3rd one is my fave!!!!
3 by a long way for me. Great atmosphere. Could almost have been taken when the bridge was new.
2 is very nice apart from the very distracting fireball below the bridge......

3 looks like a very old B&W image - works well.
As said, #3 is great, but I like the look of #1 most.... probably because it reminds me of my youth. Any chance of linking to some bigger links?
Number three is my personal favourite!

It a shame about the sky and the yellow light below the right column on the first picture/
trevorbray summed it up perfect, just what i was going to say. brings you back to when it was built. SUPER shot....very jealous! and very well done. must put it on a list of places to visit...
Number 3 for me. I'm going to be in the area in a few weeks and might take a trip out to photograph the bridge.
I love number one. The cliffs looks so cold and harsh yet the lights from the buildings look warm and welcoming,.