Color abstract #4

Well Dmitry, it's certainly abstract but doesn't really work for me. The colours don't seem to belong to the content of the image (not surprising since they're from separate layers) and the brighter shades are distracting.
It's very vibrant, a lot going on. Lots of coppery metallic hues. The bottom left seems to be very unsaturated compared to the rest. Do you mind giving some text to explain the reasoning or motivation behind the pic?
(extra points for telling us how many fireworks were stuffed into the paint can before setting them off)
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It's very vibrant, a lot going on. Lots of coppery metallic hues. The bottom left seems to be very unsaturated compared to the rest. DO you mind giving some text to explain the reasoning or motivation behind the pic?
(extra points for telling us how many fireworks were stuffed into the paint can before setting them off)
Thank you for your comment. I tried to take a photo that was different from my usual style.
Thank you for your comment. I tried to take a photo that was different from my usual style.
And I for one think it worked - nice to see you adding colour images Dmitry :)
